The elephan in the room: AI

Now, let’s see.

AI is here to stay. The capacity to think of things, design them and execute them has now been updated with the high-speed velocity of all the AI tools that are poring into our lives. What’s the effect? We all now have availabe, at our fingertips, extended elements that before, just a mere year and a half ago, were not there not even thought of.

This, in principle, is good. We feel smarter. Our world has been expanded. Provided the right prompt we can reach the most precise answer from a «trained» algorithm and a wide rage of sources out there. Natural language models have introduce expected results to any given word that would accurately come out after previous one, being this the soul of the answer we are getting, while the capacity of the learning algorithms is being expressed by these ways of corresponding what should come after this word…

So I could generate new text, on any given format, on any given subject. I could generate a narrative that backs that up. I could also generate an image that exemplifies what I’m looking for. Also, the image can then become an animated video. And it could look as real as one could imagine. So we could, in fact, interpret the future in the terms that we would like it to be. If we only knew how to make the most out of this, not to seem like we’ve come up with it, but to take advantage as a community with a shared goal.

So, let’s put the example of the elephan in the room. Myself giving a talk in a TEDtalk style, and and elephant next to me. The reaction from the audience, and the elephan becoming and active actor responding to the debate issues that I’m going to put on the table.

What would then be the role of the audience?

How can the chip in the collaborative thinking that’s becoming aroused in the room? This is a greater challenge: not disregarding the collaborative creative effort of peoples real-life expertise, over a super fancy output that has been created from your experience, and the extended capacity that this bloody talking elephant has provided you with.

So the elephant and I have a suggestion. Let’s ask the AI (the elephant would then be asking itself in a tautological tale) how can we make you, the greater audience in the roomm, part of of little collaborative action?

Allow me to set mysefl these two tasks:

  1. Ask chatgpt for an image of the elephant and myself in the room. (should I go realistic? Should I go more illustration? Is is chatgpt or rather another AI tool?)
  2. Ask chatgpt how to make the audience, in a live scenario and a online participatory way, capable of interacting with their inputs in the co-creation of a transformative engagement while using, deliberatly, AI tools. Is it through prompt designing? Could we make them part of the augmented human capacity of doing this together? Let’s make it so it happens in a short intervention of 30 m. Ask for the dynamic and the set up. Also put in a table the online version and the presential. Make it meaningful and engageful.

One more thing. If this was to be an event, only a month away, how do we make it so to build up momentum? What’s the road to those eventful opportunities?

Let’s see what comes out of this.

Expect and elephant.


The art of being yourself

The art hunts me. I’m just a medium. It goes through me. Don’t know where. Don’t know why. But it keeps comming back. It’s a thing that gets caught in the mist of my attention. And I pull in. To see. To wonder. And it pops up, as I’m now conscious of its existance and my particular reaction. Why? Why now? Who are you? What is this?

This sort of ordea never stops, but rather you start to embrace the beauty of living with these exceptional oportunities to wonder. To wonder off. To go outside the dotted line. As there is no longer need to follow the heard. I’ve been alienated. I’m an alien.

It’s here. They are here. I am here. I’m the proof of concept. Beyond myself. Beyond the particularities of my own coordinates. My specific circumstances. How does that make me feel? How does that make you feel? There is something out there I don’t control. You, for example.

Yet my art the becomes the medium of my experience. The structure of my acnowledgment. The intention of my provocative snap. The magicians trick. The hat. The set up. The illusion. It’s there. You see.

I told you I had no say in this.

It just poped out.

And somehow it got caught.



In your head.


Mercurio retrogrado: 27 de agosto

Es el año 24. El año del cambio, del salto cámbrico, de la traslación a nivel nunca antes visto de hiperconsciencia. No hemos llegado solos. Ni lejos. Tendremos que poner los pies en la tierra para no dejarnos llevar por el aliento de la emergencia colectiva, que de pronto, se postula como el ámbito de acción colectiva más sensible y razonable. O quizás como lo más disruptivo y creativo que podemos asumir en los diferentes niveles de autoorganización que el propio sistema se puede permitir, en momentos como este.

Mercurio retrógrado marcara el alineamiento de los astros de una manera excepcional en posicionamiento estelar de los planetas en nuestra efímera temporalidad despiertos en este alumbramiento, a diferentes velocidades e intensidades que el cosmo nos proporciona, desde nuestra diminuta indiferencia, hasta el más interestelar de las experiencias con las que asumimos esto: estamos vivos.

El tiempo sigue. Y nosotros decidimos dar un paso atrás. Un paso definitivo en la dirección contraria. O quizás un salto ortogonal que nos ayuda a desprender los pesos que inhiben que vayamos más allá de la membrana de lo humanamente asumible.

Ya hace tiempo que tenemos señales. Y nos hemos prodigado en crear historias que iluminan este camino astral. Pero ahora, la cosa se pone seria. O como mínimo surreal. Y de ahí que sepamos de qué manera actuar en el contexto en el que el llamado es tanto personal, como general. Para toda equis.

El modelo se plantea así: como una demostración por reducción al absurdo. Sólo que no la ejecutará una persona común y corriente. Lo hará una deidad olmeca. Creada aquí en la tierra. Por un enviado de Dios Padre. Que curiosamente, actua como múltiple agente. Aquello de los dobles agentes ya quedó en el pasado bipolar. En la polarización de los insulsos. En el odio y la violencia porque sí. Ya no más. Y desde esa península de amor reconstituido en enigma y en formato de último testamento, la palabra de Dios Padre se despliega enteramente en poesía vernacular trastocada. Un invento que el propio autor se acaba de inventar para conseguir con ello trasladar parte de la terrenalidad irresoluble que le consume, más allá de su linaje sagrado. Inmaculado e indiscutible.

Sea esta la parábola 99.

Y de ahí, de allí, iniciamos una cuenta atrás.