Vos te imaginaste un día una historia. La historia, o más bien su incepción, surgió de repente. Y vos la viste pasar. Volar.
Se encendió una conexión neuronal nueva. Y en esa conexión algo extraño sucedió. Una imagen que sólo en tu cabeza existió se planteó como realidad alternativa. Como posibilidad.
De ahí se tiró una línea argumental que funcionó de manera autónoma con un único espectador: vos.
Y desde ahí viste desvelarse una historia extraordinaria que lo arreglaba todo en su sitio. Aquello que habías querido decir en el contexto de la cosa que más te ha ocupado el tiempo mental. El sentido de tu ser. La cuestión con la que querés cambiar el mundo. De pronto está ahí, desanudando el porvenir. Didacticamente.
De pronto te parás y despertás. Ya no estás en el campo en el que la idea trabaja autonomamente. El resto de tus funciones vitales encendieron toda la maquinaria de la vigilia y los trabadores de la fábrica volvieron a sus puestos, todavía adormilados, pero generando un ruido ensordecedor para aquella brillante idea onírica que lo resolvía todo.
Si no corrés a apuntarlo en algún sitio, la clarividencia se esfuma. Y el aire se lleva consigo la ilusión. Al rato ni te acordás. Ni te preocupa. Otra cosa ocupa tu cabeza. Y no hay nada más que hacer. Quizás volver a dormir. Y soñar. Seguir.
Dave Chappelle has been in the zone for quite some time. He connects with the American culture. And lives in Ohio. Right after Donald Trump lost his first election, he did the opening of the SNL. Then, years later, he also did the opening monologue when Trump came into office. And it’s only normal to see that Lorne Michaels insisted he did another one now that he’s back.
He did it twice already. And in a polarized society, some people are going to hate you for it. And I guess, those two previous monologues showed him. So he denied the invitation. And then he accepted to do one, but when Trump would be close to stepping again into the leader of the world job. So he suited up and prepare a set. And as usual, he was able to express the message that could bring the community back into a common understanding: we hope this guy does a good job. For everyone sake.
Hey, I’m Mexican. I doubt it.
The guy is player, and he’s got himself a new show. That we will see. I only still don’t understand how we can be so hooked to American entertainment, sports, culture and even to their comedy, to Hollywood, to their news, and soap operas. Still, we are addicted to this global dependency on a lousy gun-loving dream with a bag of paradoxes and contradictions that are so violently exposed, as the moral standard of a world-policing big brother hunts us down to plant the seed of fear of the beast. Wether it’s their new enemy, or their own menace to come out as they are.
Building a NEW framework for collective collaborative global resilient plan
We are all in on it. Somehow we all think that the work we are doing is heading towards this direction. The more we talk about it, the more it actually becomes mainstream «chit chat». It’s happening in the calls we are answering to. Or in the way we are shaping policy, transformational drive, and value-based projects being deployed trying to tackle the systemic biggest and greatest challenges. It’s happening in the local scale, and we see how this local effort resonates to the bigger picture, as the global scenarios condition the sustainability of our planet, the use of our limited resources, the context of the interconected society, and tensions that have limit the continuos economic growth that the neoliberal project promised years ago, and failed to deliver.
On the other hand, populist over-simplistic solutions are spreading their influence among the population that has most suffered from the undelivered expectations from the political and economical models of the past few decades. These explorations and diagnosis is now spiraling into the realms of disinformation, fake news, pseudoscientific theories, falacies, lies, and narratives that are established across platforms, institutions, universities, researches,… that seem to cover the whole spectrum of intelectual and scientific excellence to back up just about any given new age theory. Thus, trust is perceived as something we are only willing to give the people we share the same sort of political, social and thought structure, and everyone else at the opposite end. This is true regardless of where the truth actually lies. But people tend to think they are the ones holding the truth. But the wildest lie is being amplified as a holy truth. Religions now turn to influencers to back up the social agreement and co-dependence on the power drill that some of the old and new players are exercising towards the masses that congregate around an over-simplistic definition of: «us».
Marketing of what’s happening. The branding of a transformational ride. The ultimate sensation of the revolution that is currently taking place, embracing our role in the consumer business of the interconected society, as we have all jumped into the band-wagon of the NEW world.
The computational capacity upgrade and the emergence of IA rapidly evolving as the algorithms capture more and more acurately the information that we willingly or blissfully unaware, share with the AI that’s rolled out seemlessly as a global experiment of the NEW evolving AI, but triggered by the understanding of a common stand for the greater good of our collective interconnected society.
I’ve experienced the risk of overeaching too far beyond, and I have been spelled from the system I’ve help to create. I’ve fallen out of love with the expression of interest in the struggle against our biggest fears taking place right in front of our eyes. And I’ve felt betrayed by my own incapacity to follow through, and by the lack of clarity to transfer the knowledge and experience generated across my own journey to where I am today. And I now know that I am ready to step through that barrier. And let go of the weight.
I’m back in the value business. And I will do my best to interconect the dots that the nine NEW dimentions will unleash in the quest around the first 99 days of 2025. This kickstarts the year of the ethernal return. It will take place in the course of action that has been designed and plotted as a cultural project that goes beyond time and space. It’s been here for oever 999 days, hours and some 99 formats that I will express and explain in at least 9 different ways. In 9 diderent categories.
It’s an old story.
And a brand new scope.
A NEW opportunity.
It’s linked with everything else.
Here; now; then.
For the common good is the destination of the Tico Commons.
And this overexplanation will still 9 other ways to shape the actual launch of a Tico Commons. And this will happen as we go through the 99 days. You will too have a say in this relevant political reassessment. It’s all NEW from now on. Even in the political design of the agenda. A current active plan.
Join me.
I’m here to help.
Connecting the dots: evangelizing and feedbackloopping.
What to do when you have to do something else. Procastinate. That’s my life. I come here when I should be elsewhere, doing I don’t even remember what. So instead, I keep myself busy trying to figure out the time to get to the point. In the mean time, this.
It’s not an excuse. It’s rather a way out. Or a way in. What else should I be worried about if not something else trully more meaningful to me. I should be addressing my pressing concerns. And delivering the perfomance I aim to have if I get to the point right away. Something that leads to something else. I’m willing to take the stand. I’m leaping already.
It’s a gamechanging time. All the time. Everywhere. And I’m just getting started. But the ball is moving so fast I don’t seem to have the timing right. The ball has passed and I’ve lost the magic… unless the magic is there, still, and I’m just a few adjustements off, a few more drills away, to conquer back the state of mind needed for this performance to endure.
I’m ready to rock. Still, I need to do something else. I’ll get back to this when that’s done. But I wanted to make sure to give me this sigh.
Reading material from a reading source. Books that lead you to books. Writing about reading. Thought from another time, still present, still meaningful, still new. Ideas that go beyond the state of affairs, that turn out to be travelling fast nowadays. As always, in accordance with the feeling of each time, magnified by the disruption of sources of meaningless distractions. All the time. Everywhere.
Tuns out I have to read more. More sources. More books. Other cultures. It’s not new. It’s an old assignment. And I still have a to read list that tends to infinity. And yet, somehow, sometimes, I get in the zone, and accumulate a winning streak. I’m reading just about the amount of books I could handle. And still, sometimes, it feels like it’s not enough.
Johnathan Swift
You look at a writer’s picture and wonder. In this case, a painting. That’s the person. Under his skin, there’s the story. How did it come to mind at first? How did it evolve into the final draft of the finished print? How many people got involved in this process?
The writer is the lone creator on it own. It requires no one else to pitch in, while sometimes relevant feedback may help to assist the point. A good friends ear. An editor’s advice. A publisher desire to risk the chances of people caring. At that point, there are more people involved. We are now talking about the industry. About the market, and no longer about the writing in itself. But what’s good writing without readers. Just thoughts. Lonely ones. Aspirations. Melancholy.
Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann was the man. Cigarrete lit, winter gloves of a gentle-man. Carefully shaped and tendered mustage. Four button suit. Stern wooden chair. Glancing eyes.
Jonh and Tom enter a room. They came together. The room turns and judges the two charecters. Something is on. Everybody knows. They still keep their cool, as the spell has been bound, and the action is just waiting to reveal itself. It will take some time. It’s not loud. Not yet. It’s only intriguing. And sparkling. Nobody else has that chill. Yet the party has been transformed. In an unexpected way. A good way.
That’s how you differentiate writers. The ones that can enter the room and light up the space. And the ones that only do that when they enter into their world. Where everything, every card, every sense of joy, every precision, every spirit, every meaning, spells itself out into the page, while leaving nothing left in real life, but the empty container of curious mind without social skills. As writers, they both trascend, as it’s in reading where you build the immaculate communion of two minds, and evolve into the possibilities of creating yet another story, yet another tale, yet another creative outburst.
Van Dyke según Panofsky
You can write about anything. Stories, however, represent a different kind of writting. Everyone writes in their own terms. Art too can be narrated. Text lives beyond literature, and it may be printed on any given matter, in any given surface, for any given purpose.
Ernst Gombrich, Art historian
The Story of Art. Gombrich has influence the narrative of art. Up to the point in which the character of Moo Pak understood that these four characters were bound to be mentioned in a stream of thought, at any given time, to transfer a profound reference to something condensed in tiny hint. Context provides the first field of action. If you are outside of it, the sense of it slips by. And you go on. And so does the inintial intention of that given thought. So going back to capture them, is a matter of being able to rewind time. To back up. To read again. To read. For the first time. An author you don’t know, but now have a purpose to pursue.
It’s a wheel turning. A day in, a day out. And what for? That’s the real issue. The focus on something worth be-ing. And that is achieved in a long process of questioning yourself. Questioning the learnings in your education, in the system, in society. And still, there is no right answer.
Things are tough. And we are dealing with stuff in our very own personal circumstances. The things within our heads. The voices that speak just to us. And the deamons.
But somehow, the struggle within is just a one man show. Or an insider’s job. There is something of us in every conspiracy. And the opposite two. The white angel and the red devil that inhabit our elbows. The duality starts right there. And you are stuck in the middle.
There is no clear alternative but to go on. And find the inspiration in every step along the way. Every step with the confidence that it is taking you places. Places you need to attend to. To show up. And deliver a good version of yourself. Maybe so by inspiring trust. Or building it. Or recovering it. It’s still a massive effort to get out and do your thing. Unless you’re in the zone. But that takes work. And time. And effort.
I’m close to that feeling. The zone is close by. And I’m ready to make that final sprint.
Or this initial drive.
Let’s start the week with this first step: Monday.
When am you going to write a script? You think all the script you’ll get for you are going to be as good as «Boys N the Hood»? Hollywood ain’t got no scripts for you. Unless you wanna do bullshit. You can write songs like you write, you can write a movie.
John Singleton to Ice Cube
Representation will not come to you just as mainstream drive. You need to present a case for yourself. You got to do that part of the job. It’s not going to happen just because you think it would be fair. You need to make it happen. You.
The singularity of everyone’s perspective is determined by the uniqueness of our experience, from our very own little point of view. We are the active actors of the development of our vision. And no one else is going to pave the way for you.
I know this shit from way back when. And I’ve never come out myself. I’ve held on to something else. A lame excuse that holds to my very own insecurities to avoid the stepping into the abyss drill. And I’m pretty sure this shit ain’t working, because no one has taken that step for me. As only I can.
As only I should.
Damn, it’s a hard shit.
I feel for the feeling of the underrepresented. Their voices haven’t been heard. They don’t get the chance mainstream stories are depicting. But who’s to change that. The scriptwriters write about what know. About what works. About their own little formulas. The establishement works like that because that how it got established. Something else is up for the up and coming voice within you. And if you are searching for recognition, maybe you should try searching within to find your truth, your soul, your arguments. And from there on, built the narrative that represent the stories you wish you had. The truth you would like to see on the screen. And then you have the type of shit that would look in the character you are playing, in the scenes that you are directing, or in the films you are producing.
Open the door. Assume the responsibilities. Act upon them. Write your own shit. Walk your own talk. Stop complaining to the world, and start showing up with your own voice.
La migración de mexicanos a Estados Unidos es una vieja historia. La segunda generación de mexicanos-americanos, o chicanos como se les etiquetó en un sitio en donde la raza, la religión, la procedencia y el dinero sirven para segmentar la sociedad, han votado a Donald J. Trump como presidente. Esto es un reflejo de que la vida del que emigra adquiere un sentido de renuncia y otro de aceptación, pero nunca del todo satisfecho con lo que en un lado u otro de lo que en el stio de partida o en el destinación se define como «propio». El que emigra siempre sigue ausente, quizás esperando su momento de aceptación. Y su integración siempre está en duda. Quizás porque debe asumir ciertos elementos propios de otra cultura, o asumirse en un contexto en el que desarraigarse de sus raíces le parece contradictoriamente imperativo. O justo al revés.
No hay un crónica única de la emigración. Sin embargo parece que los sitios con historia de emigrantes suelen tener el foco en otro momento anterior, cuando entonces los que llegaron eran los que valían la pena. Pero en algún momento esto se tiene que acabar. Hay que cerrar el grifo. Que es el mantra con el Don T. ha llegado otra vez al poder. El «nosotros» de la Great América de Trump los incluye a ellos; a esa segunda o tercera generación. Ellos ya son de allá.
Y el que es americano de verdad está motivado por la victoria. Por el ganar. Ganar dinero. Ganar el super bowl. O que lo gano tu equipo. Ganar las elecciones. La sensación de ser parte de una mayoría. Ya nos aceptaron, pensarán. No somos como aquellos. Los come-gatos.
Alonso Ruizpalacios acaba de sacar una película que retrata la vida de una cocina en Times Square, que sirve cada día a turistas comida de medio pelo, en un contexto de las cocinas americanas que están llevadas en su mayoría por emigrantes mexicanos. Es el acceso a tener una chamba, con lo que implica para empleadores y trabajadores formar parte de la sociedad, y cómo representa un juego de rol de los que «dan oportunidades» y los que las «toman», como si hubiera alternativa.
El sistema de los indocumentados en USA o en la EU persigue una diálectica de invasión que no es del todo fidedigna, mientras las oportunidades a los migrantes se ven empantanas por burocracias que simplemente se formulan como un sistema perverso que ni avanza ni expulsa, pero que en medio de esa situación genera distorciones y desigualdades de poder en el que aquellos que se mueven entre escalas de grises se encuentran. No es un tema de ahora, sino de siempre. Y reconozco que no sabría cómo plantear un modelo en el que dichas violencias subterráneas dejaran de existir.
Como siempre la mirada y la crítica social de Alonso nos permiten analizar con matices situaciones en las que debemos prestar atención, y disfrutar del buen momento del cine mexicano.
Entrevista de Alonso con Carmen Aristegui sobre su peli La Cocina