Todo es empezar

Yo empecé hace mucho tiempo.

999 días después estoy preparado.

¿Por qué imagina que Jesús fue al desierto a pasar un rato con Satanás?

¿Qué explica aquél momento en el tiempo y el espacio para usted?

Quizás es usted en la cruz. Usted es Jesús. Jesús era hombre: creame. Yo soy un man. Golman.

No me gusta repetir mi nombre, aunque estoy acostumbrado a que la gente me diga como le sale del cojones. En Karachi me nombraban de una manera muy singular. OlmAn. Algo magnificó la A para necesitar hacer un traslado hacia alguien que no había nacido. Travestirme a la A es lo más radical que ha hecho el futbolarte en tiempos de Guardiola. Golman, súbdito de Guardiola, nunca habló con él. Un día, tras una revisión con Vera en la panza Pep quedó para tomar un café en una cafetería de toda la vida frente al parque del DiR de Diagonal, tirando hacia la iglesia redonda en medio de la rotonda: la trampa.

Elizondo es mi apellido. Mi escudo de armas. Son las únicas armas de las que no puedo desligarme. El simbolismo del escudo de armas de mi familia: Elizondo.

Vamos a ver.

Tarea uno. Actividad. Diseña tu propio escudo Elizondo. Mi familia te convoca. No somos los Alba, pero los Elizondo no se achantan contra ninguna gilipollés heteropatriarcal. A ver quién es el guapo que tiene ganas de venir a tocarme los cojones.

Tocar los cojones no está bien. Es el tipo de cosas que enseño en mis cursos. Y la gente flipa. Eso nunca me lo habían enseñado. El valor está en lo diferente. En la honestidad de pensar por fuera de norma. En el límite del caos.


we are live from New Barcino.

Hidalgos de Elizondo. Valerosos Ulises que empredieron un viaje a una Ítaca tropical: Tico Commons.

Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Golman and I am the last futbolartist. I might be the first, but I don’t know which way you want to see if from. You may choose now. This choice will determine your life, and our relationshionship for the rest of my life. We are going to separate time in two electromagnetic fields independent from each other. In my master class of keeping it real like Sir David Beckham. I’m shitting with you. Whatcha think boss, I’m a futbolartist, not a ___________.

The potential risk of making your art a bit judgemental in that moment of trust. You compromise the paths we’ve taken together. We no longer feel the need to wait any longer: humanity is ready for the NEW phase. This is such face: fasten your seat bealt. We are going to be entertained until the end of the pandemia.

We’ve then use time wisely.

I don’t need all of you to jump in. This story is just a ballad of hero macho love. Failing to reach, you go under and unsupervised visit the darkest days of history. And that moment of thruth you are faced with the decision to cheer for one of the powers at the glance of battle for the unveiling quest deliverance. Male diplomacy and war games. Stuff we could write about and burnt the fancy out of biggotry.

I can’t say faggot anymore; opportunity cost: biggot.

I said two days ago on one unexplicable social media: I’m a poet. Really, I didn’t say that. I said, what if really what I was was a poet? A question piece. Condensing meaning in a word. You know why brothers when you deliver thee higher speech say: word? Because word has been spoken. This is noumeno shit. This is the fields on how we sublime ourselves to a higher estate of flow: altogether flow: ALLS.

What’s the value of a NEW word?

Questions. More questions. We are getting some great ones. We are building a collective intelligence. It’s how we process the data that’s gona make us wiser. It’s how we handle the automatizable things that will depend of the fields we design in the game to take place. This thing should look inside like a Persona game. We are going to become actors of a new tale. The iterating though time an uncertain thing that becomes this really good question.

The unmet need needs you

Our unmet need bucket is going to be the greatest shit ever. It’s the effort on how good do we describe what the real challenge is. We are going to co-create it from scratch. And we’ll have the greatest industries in the game delivering the response of the free market players. Industries collaborating to evolve together. We could have picked a different vehicle. It’s not simple, yet we can do it either way. We’ll get there if we focus and push a clean process of seeing what’s going to happen inside the CoP. PiPPi is the hotest shit I’ve worked on and it’s going to change the game. We have to play ball. So here we go. This is the greatest quest you’ll face outside your videogame standard commercial mass viral thing going on. I get it. You want to be part of THAT.

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