I fly high. As high as uno can go.
That’s me.
That’s how I role.
You wether love me or despise me.
What will it be?
I despise Orange, man.
There, I said it.
Common: who wouldn’t.
The world tells Old América how it is; boom: New América.
We just did New América Great from Scratch. WEJDNAGFS
Free afiliation right.
You know what I would say to your fucking founding fathers: CÓMEME LOS HUEVOS, MALDINI!
Nueve formas latinas que nos pueden interesar recuperar
1. Sine qua non
2. In absentia
3. In Illo tempore
4. Partibusinfidelium
5. Lapsus lingue
6. Magnus Opus
7. Manu militari
8. Mea culpa
9. Memento mori