Legacy man

How to openly debate how we can collaboratively make it work.

The narrative counts.

Who’s the creative mind?

Who’s ideas is what?

Who’s vision?

Who cares?

Who scores it. That’s a rule to do. That’s an obligation how to know how to contribute to the NEW commons: Ticataluña.

I’ve got you ticos; I’ve got you catalans.

Let’s move on.

Somewhere named different.

Same place though.

So I had an idea.

And made a plan.

To shake shit up.

Among this new crowd.

About how are we going to organize from now on.

The big plan.

The Ruling mechanism of a Resilient society that applied to us as NEW given right to all human being. Be.

Every word count. Respect wordings. Respect opinions. Respect trully noble ideas. Ways to full you up. You fill me?

Not you feel me?

You fewme?

You fewme is my first movie. I wanted to reach out. And tell you the most amazing story of my life. I can. I can write and think multiverse of options to selforganize the social complex system we looking to fix. Unluck the revealing times. The fresh start. The right owned by public service of the 99 crew of feedbacklooppers.


That’s the name of my brand. My election campaign. The way. Mi campo.

Mi campo. Golman.

Oda al bordear los límites, dónde de pronto un efecto sagrado se presenta como la emergencia en un sistema complejo social resiliente por mandato de un che que habitaba NEW américa en su totalidad como continente eterno que mama de vuestra gloriosa irónica y brutal historia de cómo el sesgo cognitivo euroasiático respecto al NEW continente, ahora, ipso facto multiversalizada a la 99 potencia: la destinación.

El hombre español español español ha muerto.

En su lugar os ofrecemos los siguientes puntos en la claúsula contractual de la trayectoria ortogonal: las antípodas de dónde estamos.

Vamos: para de temer sufrir pasarte de verga asesinar violar y los 9 pecados capitales más relevantes para un ecuménico sentimiento religioso renovador que fue a parar una palabra sagrada por holística, resiliente y eterna: femenina ELLA fusionada con el otro: él (minusculisado pero curado del machismo fuerte de nuestro pasado; sea esta nuestra renuncia la violencia machista que miope ante un espejo del cuál ellos mismos se ven atrapados por los preceptos herrumbrados de un edificio modernista ticatalán sin restaurar. El modernismo, arquitectónicamente hablando, es algo más de nuestra cultura popular cuando has aprendido a andar en bici en el parc Güell o Pau Gasol un dilluns al Perill: NEWGRA.

Es menos friki que avatar.

Pero nos transporta a otra dimensión.

Seguimos aquí.

Aquí stamos tos.

Mi bar mundialista.

Ticatalán en el mundial.

Tiremos el tiempo atrás.


I left the crums.

I go across this holy mountain of mine: NEWCAR.

You also didn’t use to notice it.

It’s holy, though.

And working class.

We came with nothing and inhabited this mountain.

Behind the mountain herself.

Remember, you call yourself a local.

Yet, you’ve never been.

Careful, cowboy.

Stay the fuck away.

You fucking tourist.

I mean it.



Lip biting expresion of local interpretation. Mouth signaling other beings. Dogs even. Birds. Cats. Eagles. Sloth, my holy GOD. Gods. Multiversally. Think of it. You; think of it. Father. What do you think?

My mom is going to come visit. So is my dad.




Be there.

Show up.

At every step of the way.

The contribution to common view.

What we are playing here.

A NEW game.

NEW citizens.

Multiversal world.


By a final countound.

Inveitably you hear the music.

It’s not there.

It’s in your mind.

You’ve had.

God father, my father, send me this message.

I’ve written all in a labeling game theory. 99 PhD topic proposal.

That’s it.

I’m done.

I’ll show you little by little.

But we are moving forward.

We aim high to a NEW dimention.

I want state Legacy as ruling mechanism to function only in this NEW surreality.

I’m actually posh and loaded.

I’ve written more stories than Shakespeare.

Yet they are all relative to a different dimention where I live.

The ninth dimention.

I’ve developed this innovative mechanism to takes us there.

And it takes a NEW functional design.

A new business model.

A NEW campaign.

A NEW game.


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