This rap is killin me. Fuck, the spacebar got fucked. Thanks, Steve. For nothing. De nada.
El español y el inglés se pueden entender en un plano literario pero también y mejor en un escenario en plaza cataluña. Como si existiera una metéfora mejor para salir a dar la cara a la ciudad a la que vengo a transformar.
Les voy a contar una canción. O una historia. De cambio. Como un gringo que pasa de high school a la universidad.
Chasing girls.
Young men, barely teens having a conversations that states this one dual choice: friends or first love story. Sex stories take place when they take place. But to open up to our own affirmative way of playing time and space, to aim as high as to be loved 9 hours straight.
Imagine highest love.
Imagine highest state.
This people never really found out how crazy I was. I finally, I got listed in these data base that by its own artifitial intel·ligent selffueled social complex system that all of a sudden turns into a bigger story than that that was lived during the family time Jesus had with his holy family.
I bet these, and this is a profecy: I know I’m risking being ridiculed for what I am stating. What should be the rule. Where is a reader going to be led by the words I pick to lay down this page that you can see, the way I want, in your own little slave toy you have given rule and superpower joystick. I play. You play. We play.
Fuck he.
Fuck she.
Only us.
Which us?
Imagine the debate on that last sentence by the schooled americans who get further that high school diploma. This is where we at. And be cool. I am cool with it. I did lived that phase too. And fucking proud of the time we walked together. As it is about a new book, that this time, the older brother of Jesus, Golman Elizondo Pacheco went to his dancefloor moment at stage: perfoming the arts of an enterntaiment. And you do that act. You do a Cimas, Broncano, Berto, El Rubius, Buenafuente, Levan from that teen movie with that girl with who you go up to the room of whoever family the party is at. No parents has always meant: fiesta. Los ticos y los mexicanos encontraron su armonía en esta dualidad: GOLman lleva a la nueva nación que adopta Costa Rica como política exterior en el sentido más estético del problema general que nos involucra a todos a una renovación de qué chingados estamos jugando. Y estamos todos quietos. Leyendo. En el metro. En la calle. En el taxi. en el autobus público de factura europea circulando por espacio tropical urbano reocupado por sus renovados seres libres y afirmados en la toma del espacio público con la única sensación de coexistir con el momento de bliss con el que nos sabemos parte de una suerte de masa compleja con piel y habitantes en la epidermis de una fina capa que finalmente nos protege de todo lo exterior. La piel es fina. Casi inoperante. Lo que está afuera. La defensa inmediata de lo exterior. El deporte consiste en ubicar nuestro cuerpo frente al de un oponente al que debemos superar de alguna manera que alguien nos explica por primera vez, como si lo hubiera vivido. Como si uno quisiera asumir esa tarea absurda en la que un pequeño país tropical en las tierras últimas en emerger, y por lo cual, desde ese entonces, empezamos a matizar sobre la certeza de comprovar que esta narrativa es la más potente a la que podría acceder todo mi sistema, incluido el contradictorio, y el que está al otro lado del espectro, desde nos miramos con el resentimiento, o aunsencia de recentimiento, que nos separa a ustedes de nosotros.
Los discursos del ustedes y nosotros en las cadenas regionales de la televisión de los alumnos de 7 de promedio.
¿De qué nos sirven nuestras calificacione en nuestras escueleas? ¿Qué nos queda de la escuela que nos abrió una cortina sobre el manto sagrado del saber, y leer más alto hasta conocer los clásicos de todas las nueve culturas de su elección. Y llegar ahí; hablando todas nueve lenguas que conforman la lengua nueva: el ticatalán.
Oh fuck that we are going with McLovin.
Unidos podemos a la novena potencia: Ticataluña.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Yo tengo un amigo así. I love you bromance.
Americans. They have thought of everything. We’ve been picking your culture for a while. That’s how.
The camel tale.
One ball above my dick. Live a division sign. Like a lot of people in van. Dicks touch. Nudity is not always easy.
Man american deamericanizing.
That’s magazine targeted at scared americans (chrisitan values only)
Stay away native americans from explaining the ancient culture we still love to ignore.
Two best bros go their way with a lady: bromance.
Love for a woman.
Love for a man.
I wanted to dominate the space. And paste it in the computer. On the screen. Just there. As text. Words. Meanings. This shit I do. This so called futbolart.
How many times do you thing my 99 most used words have been counted outside my lands on this new Internet.
I am from this bouroughs.
If it’s not the way you write it, in ticatalan, you do.
This whole idea of a new language to assume the possibility if that level of complexity of cambric sort of change could launge us all into a higher estate. It is now the time to go about this story. So let’s take if from here. And there. And from there eject into the highes place where our body or mind can each go to the edge of holy chaos.
And from then on everytime Armando Gallo Pacheco wrote about holy chaos a holy was always displayed before the holy chaos word. And we do that for chaos. As now chaos is the master.
The nine holy chaos.
From this last prayer is that holy chaos is back to the place it should have never been taken away from. Places you can’t imagine. Empire at last. The way we’ve kicked. The way we took asia. What the Brits have to be proud of their colonialist developement times. And the nine little sins that get you out of the social chats were that specific nasty matter against the institution, until the nine big reasons book made us realized that we were only in a trap.
And we are released.
We are allowed space. Your vote counts.
This fuckers here haven’t given me this consideration, and really thing we should be discussing this private matter in a place where there are no bugs. I have been followint the news, and the way everyting went to pieces since 2009. The year nine changed us all. I knew we had a big responsability back then. I see some of you have made it. You are big in the world. Ain’t the world ours now? How and what are we waiting for to contemplate a new foundation of a higher than a nation of all nations. And making that possible. And this is my only point in a very small program that fits in my printed card you hand in to your fellow artist performer. I was ready. I said.
I know that I’ve been doing the fucking job from a long time ago. I saw how things evolved. I wanted to do something more than just running at this new games where power and men reaked their infamous characters at last, and few triunfant women at the game the free humans at judgement day. Regards, everyone, my father has send another brother, sorry, I am nos your sister. I am although your brother; not a minor thing. Our relationship with the rest of the people in the world and out of it, whenever they come and mingle; or we go.
Assume duality.
Give it holy degree to experience with sort of shots you get from our local tap. And you got served what you fancied the new city was all about. And I decided to write a story to make sure that it was finally done. In fiction. So good. It turned out to go out of control in real time and space. And times rolls in. Inwards. And we belong to ALLS.
A book with choices and the holy answer at once. You just ought to read and fall for what there implies on your behalf. And we we either assummed it, globally and unquestioned as the new wave of current extrapolation of emergent systems at once, in the multilanguage level of one holiest conversations at this place were you are kicking it like a horse owned by a brit.
Meanwhile in public space women collectives occupied the space with unbelievable skill to go and turn the matter into a charade game where finally connect back with those othere English speaking friends. I think I can relate with love with at least nine nationalities. No more. But not less. And add the good ones. Study the options. Ticataluña was just onf the them.
New Barcino was another competitor. That election took us global. Judge this thesis.
The choice is yours. Enter.
Cero estrés; full relax.
Mae, los ticos somos así. Avamos a explotar esa vaina como un grado superior de nuestra gloriosa manera de ver las cosas. Nuestro diseño de inteligencia artificial, que por familiar, toma las raices sociales de nuestras familias a lo largo de la historia que nos sabemos de las familias que se conocen del pueblo. De la iglesia. De al lado de la iglesía; Elizondo.
Pero acá, papá.
Y de pronto la conversación se transformó. Todo se volvió más directo. Se permitió ser un sitio clickable. Una sola palabra. Un botón. Una metaestructura. Una red social, blinking.