Benvolguda mare/pare, benvolguda mestressa/mestre, benvolguda treballadora/treballador, benvolguda ama/amo, benvolguda comunitat, em presento a les eleccions: em dic Golman i vull que formem una communitat escolar com la que ja tenim.
Aquestes no són les primeres eleccions a les que em presento. A la meva escola, a Costa Rica, al nostre insti, que de fet era una high school, em van embolicar per formar part d’una campanya que es presentaba al consell escolar. Anavem amb un grup fort: Amy per a presidenta, Marcela, de segona, Alex, i jo. Paritat, lideratge femení, bons alumnes, ¿qué podia fallar?
Doncs vam perdre devant un grup sublim de candidats alternatius grunch. El seu cap era un noi de decè que era una ment brillant i il·luminada que es va menjar l’escenari d’una campanya molt més fresca de la que nosaltres haviem plantejat. Estem parlant de 1994, amb Kurt Cobain viu, a la cresta de la onada, Stone Temple Pilots iluminat el camí, Pearl Jam a la pell. I nosaltres vam intentar presentar-nos amb una campanya anomenada change.
Will, Patrick, Yu-Chein, and their front man, whose name is slipping my mind. They were so goddam fresh we were brushed out. The voters loved them. They reprented that grunch spirit that could run that little community with a fresh vision of a priviledged school in the mountain of Escazú should look like.
I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. I’m going for an alterantive campaign this time. And this includes keeping everything as is. No fucking change. Same old shit. But with a twist.
We belong to a community within a greater community. Let’s try to see if we can have a say in what the future ahead has in it for us. Let’s play a role game. Some of you have done that. I’m doing it as I speak, when I’m addressing you as a candidate for this comming election. And you have a chance to be an active actor on this. If you want to be an active actor, then choose the green pill.
If you still want to be a part of it, but really don’t want/don’t have time to participate, pick the red pill.
The choice is yours.
I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. This time there is no change. This time the campaign will be: NEW.
I have endorsers, like NEW pau:
Som part d’una communitat amb diferents perspectives. Escolte’m-nos i co-creem el futur NEW del nostre ecosistema.
Estem a la muntanya, i estem agermanats amb d’altres ecosistemes.
Aquí teniu un dibuix del pla:
Call to action: vota’m