Acción primigenia

Obligación; derecho.

Según se vea.

Pensamiento crítico como valor.

Disciplina de transformación.




Caminos de montaña.

Acampar en valle.


I’ve lived the life of a prince.

I can’t bail out my holy crown.

That’s my cross.

You can’t imagine.

You can only see the good things.

But life is duality.

This reckless feeling of dispear.

What is this all about?

Why joy when my thoughts have climbed to the invevitability of the nonesensical meaning of our hanging out here in this ethernal estate of nature beyond and above any other belief, be that religious, technerdy, politically, performatively, futbolartistically, literarily, postnationalistically driven the final solución of a one and only one intersection with the axis why. Oh, why?


Y qué.






Burn in hell.

God Father sent me to create this NEW system that selfrelies on itself: yourself. Collectivelly. I could end the explanation there. It would be concise and to the point. No floritudes. No extra fluffy shit to make it longer and make it look like you had something interesting or «funny» to say. And the way I fake it is until I make it. And then that’s it. You’ve reached he covennant. The purpose of pretending to belong the full sense of why you are here. I’m not here to tell you. I could spell it to you. And you would only need to read it. But what’s the use in that? Is that giving the experience you need to go out there after this 33 minute mass: the most effective way to connect with the entire NEW santified forces in the field of action. Let’s talk about liberating ourselves from ourselves.

Let’s stop and go.

Let’s stop and rewind.

Just to pull away.

To drop the act.

To spill back my sperm.


Hold on.

Slow down.

Time is not what they tell you.

You’ve been manipulated.

And so have I.

But who am I to tell you this ain’t just another conspiracy. Or the contrary.

The defense system.

The autoritarian threats.

But the lack of armonious games to pretend to start over.

Reboot the entire system.

Just give it another go.

And change history.

The way cinema changed our view of our lives.

The way we profundly transform the future tense of a NEW language: ticatalán.

I was a candidate once.

I lost.

I had no discourse.

Nor will to command.

Nor did I thought of a plan.

Rather we were playing the White Man’s Game: go to school and compete in this pretentious world of social interactions to bring around goods to feed our families and celebrate life as each day goes by with the collaborative effort of a NEW society where the social services and policy management should move away from the same old ways in which we are playing the card in the systemic approach towards comprehensive social transformation.

Now I have a plan. It’s much better than my 16 year old plan.

Bur I’ve also kept my gol. I have been called Golman in the futbolart community.

What’s the matter of me being the founder of the community?

Why do you want to get me?

I’m ready to play you and beat you.

I compete for a living.

Or rather I’ve known how to compete my whole life.

But I had to look to the do the responsible thing.

Study and get a carreer.

Not go for the deliberate action towards the best version of myself.

I picked up a couple of books and revisited the complete plan, oh yeah: turn back time-space.

Dedualize the motion.

Dual pendular catarsis.

The cicles of life interconected among the lived milestones.

The purpose of life as we go on.

The nine levels of our complete transformation.

The fullest desire achieved in a collective co-created flow of joy and fulfillment at awe transiting the skies in brand NEW gaia trajectory with regards nine other dimentions to complete the multiverse view of any given item, thought, challenge, deal, transformational tool, IoT, investment in capital vehicle, actuarialartistry, futbolart, script, design, manifiesto, piece, project, launch, community, course, happening, act, show, bit, set, game, gol, ALLS.