Inception of the Tico Commons

Building a NEW framework for collective collaborative global resilient plan

We are all in on it. Somehow we all think that the work we are doing is heading towards this direction. The more we talk about it, the more it actually becomes mainstream «chit chat». It’s happening in the calls we are answering to. Or in the way we are shaping policy, transformational drive, and value-based projects being deployed trying to tackle the systemic biggest and greatest challenges. It’s happening in the local scale, and we see how this local effort resonates to the bigger picture, as the global scenarios condition the sustainability of our planet, the use of our limited resources, the context of the interconected society, and tensions that have limit the continuos economic growth that the neoliberal project promised years ago, and failed to deliver.

On the other hand, populist over-simplistic solutions are spreading their influence among the population that has most suffered from the undelivered expectations from the political and economical models of the past few decades. These explorations and diagnosis is now spiraling into the realms of disinformation, fake news, pseudoscientific theories, falacies, lies, and narratives that are established across platforms, institutions, universities, researches,… that seem to cover the whole spectrum of intelectual and scientific excellence to back up just about any given new age theory. Thus, trust is perceived as something we are only willing to give the people we share the same sort of political, social and thought structure, and everyone else at the opposite end. This is true regardless of where the truth actually lies. But people tend to think they are the ones holding the truth. But the wildest lie is being amplified as a holy truth. Religions now turn to influencers to back up the social agreement and co-dependence on the power drill that some of the old and new players are exercising towards the masses that congregate around an over-simplistic definition of: «us».

Marketing of what’s happening. The branding of a transformational ride. The ultimate sensation of the revolution that is currently taking place, embracing our role in the consumer business of the interconected society, as we have all jumped into the band-wagon of the NEW world.

The computational capacity upgrade and the emergence of IA rapidly evolving as the algorithms capture more and more acurately the information that we willingly or blissfully unaware, share with the AI that’s rolled out seemlessly as a global experiment of the NEW evolving AI, but triggered by the understanding of a common stand for the greater good of our collective interconnected society.

I’ve experienced the risk of overeaching too far beyond, and I have been spelled from the system I’ve help to create. I’ve fallen out of love with the expression of interest in the struggle against our biggest fears taking place right in front of our eyes. And I’ve felt betrayed by my own incapacity to follow through, and by the lack of clarity to transfer the knowledge and experience generated across my own journey to where I am today. And I now know that I am ready to step through that barrier. And let go of the weight.

I’m back in the value business. And I will do my best to interconect the dots that the nine NEW dimentions will unleash in the quest around the first 99 days of 2025. This kickstarts the year of the ethernal return. It will take place in the course of action that has been designed and plotted as a cultural project that goes beyond time and space. It’s been here for oever 999 days, hours and some 99 formats that I will express and explain in at least 9 different ways. In 9 diderent categories.

It’s an old story.

And a brand new scope.

A NEW opportunity.

It’s linked with everything else.


Here; now; then.

For the common good is the destination of the Tico Commons.

And this overexplanation will still 9 other ways to shape the actual launch of a Tico Commons. And this will happen as we go through the 99 days. You will too have a say in this relevant political reassessment. It’s all NEW from now on. Even in the political design of the agenda. A current active plan.

Join me.

I’m here to help.

Connecting the dots: evangelizing and feedbackloopping.

A classic NEW standard.

And the 99 local narratives.

The voices from beyond.


Monday… once again

It’s a wheel turning. A day in, a day out. And what for? That’s the real issue. The focus on something worth be-ing. And that is achieved in a long process of questioning yourself. Questioning the learnings in your education, in the system, in society. And still, there is no right answer.

Things are tough. And we are dealing with stuff in our very own personal circumstances. The things within our heads. The voices that speak just to us. And the deamons.

But somehow, the struggle within is just a one man show. Or an insider’s job. There is something of us in every conspiracy. And the opposite two. The white angel and the red devil that inhabit our elbows. The duality starts right there. And you are stuck in the middle.

There is no clear alternative but to go on. And find the inspiration in every step along the way. Every step with the confidence that it is taking you places. Places you need to attend to. To show up. And deliver a good version of yourself. Maybe so by inspiring trust. Or building it. Or recovering it. It’s still a massive effort to get out and do your thing. Unless you’re in the zone. But that takes work. And time. And effort.

I’m close to that feeling. The zone is close by. And I’m ready to make that final sprint.

Or this initial drive.

Let’s start the week with this first step: Monday.


Ain’t no script for you in Hollywood

Denial letters will keep you going

When am you going to write a script? You think all the script you’ll get for you are going to be as good as «Boys N the Hood»? Hollywood ain’t got no scripts for you. Unless you wanna do bullshit. You can write songs like you write, you can write a movie.

John Singleton to Ice Cube

Representation will not come to you just as mainstream drive. You need to present a case for yourself. You got to do that part of the job. It’s not going to happen just because you think it would be fair. You need to make it happen. You.

The singularity of everyone’s perspective is determined by the uniqueness of our experience, from our very own little point of view. We are the active actors of the development of our vision. And no one else is going to pave the way for you.

I know this shit from way back when. And I’ve never come out myself. I’ve held on to something else. A lame excuse that holds to my very own insecurities to avoid the stepping into the abyss drill. And I’m pretty sure this shit ain’t working, because no one has taken that step for me. As only I can.

As only I should.

Damn, it’s a hard shit.

I feel for the feeling of the underrepresented. Their voices haven’t been heard. They don’t get the chance mainstream stories are depicting. But who’s to change that. The scriptwriters write about what know. About what works. About their own little formulas. The establishement works like that because that how it got established. Something else is up for the up and coming voice within you. And if you are searching for recognition, maybe you should try searching within to find your truth, your soul, your arguments. And from there on, built the narrative that represent the stories you wish you had. The truth you would like to see on the screen. And then you have the type of shit that would look in the character you are playing, in the scenes that you are directing, or in the films you are producing.

Open the door. Assume the responsibilities. Act upon them. Write your own shit. Walk your own talk. Stop complaining to the world, and start showing up with your own voice.

Start with the first.

Start today.


Starting point

You are where you are. Life has brought you here. That’s the kind of thing everyone, anyone realle, a coach, an influencer, your spouse, your guru, your spiritual leader, your priest, your own private phisopher, your third eye, … would tell you: focus on the moment.

Now is the time.

There’s no other time.

You know about the past, about the future, how they don’t really exist. And then you are stuck with the moment. And the moment is gone. It just shifted. Like these words apearing in front of me.

Reading; writting.

It’s an act of connecting the fingers (in case you are typing), your mind, and the «paper». Or the screen, really. In this new version of the narrative scene.

Short and without derivatives.

I often speak too much. And loose the audience. Not really my thing to be concise and to the point. I don’t just play short and to the foot. I like risk. I elaborate plans. And then execute them. But if you don’t have your team with you. It’s worthless. You are on your own. And nobody is listening. You are just playing for a lame vacuum in your narrow limited story you tell yourself. That’s not the game. It’s your obsession.

Order and adventure

Aparently on day Jorge Luis Borges said that literature was order and adventure. Later, Cesar Luis Menotti repurpuse the idea and said that football was exactly that: order and aventure. Too much order, nothing happens. To much adventure, chaos.

A third derivative of that concept could be apply to impact-driven innovation adoption. What does that mean? Well intaking innovation that actually help to transform the system in a way that represents a higher value for the common good. I know, I know, I’ve lost you a bit. Bear with me. I believe that tha these type of innovation is also oder and adventure.

  • Too much order is not disruptive enough, not quick enough, not meaningful enough. Systems resist to change, if there is still a reward for the ones holding the cards. They would have no desire to move from that position.
  • Too much adventure, it just becomes a messy «I must jump into this bandwagon» by all means, regardless of the value or the direction I want to go to. You then generate some movement, but might jus be spinning in circles. Not quite moving.

So to drive truly meaningful transformational societal change, we must first share a vision of where all these things should be going. And to that, we are often faced with a bigger scale above within our role, as humans or as part of any given institution, that is being played in higher hierarchy. A higher dimention. So too much order is just helping the resistance to change to back up the status quo, while too much adventure is just helping the noise level to rise. How may impact-driven innovation then flourish among these two counter forces: with a proper mix of order and adventure.

This is true for the entrepeneur world and for the the demand-side actors who are willing to make an attempt to drive transformational change to their innovation ecosystem. With demand-driven innovation (pull), these two worlds end up meeting halfway. Conversely, business-driven innovation (push) may also find its way to undertand this as yet another meaningful arena to drive their impact as well as their ROI.

This is the starting point.

NAW is the time.

Let’s start a NEW journey.

Let’s implement our very own theory of change.


Starting at the top of the page

When I write I just let go of myself. I see the stuff coming out of the screen as if it is something that’s just been produced by an electric interaction among the components of my brain. And in a way, that’s what’s happening. But in a more deeper way, what’s going on here is a connection of the immediacy that occurs among the fingertips of my hands, working like a pianist composes, to come out with a sentence, a word, or an entire paragraph, that somehow tells my story.

I’ve just encounter a way to move forward by showing up to places and interacting with people that could allow me to produce a further essence of the next step in my creative process. I need to force the entry to the places I know I have to show up to. And they are not going to come to me if I don’t knock out the walls that I’ve paved so close around my confort zone that my moving out towards the place of action is not quite occuring by yet another pause. Action takes a move. Even if it’s a slow move, but in the right direction, that could be all I need. Day by day.

I’ve had this force driven me before. Like in any given moment in which I’ve set out myself to define a campaign of any kind. I’ve worked around my own personal campaign. For any given election. For any given «selling point». For any given project. And there is too much noise already in the surroundings to pay attention to yet another fool. But that’s the case for all of us. That’s the cas for any given soul, who’s trying to come out of the shell, and cry out to the world: «listen to this«.

It’s not listen to me.

It’s this.

It’s the form of you tought. The complexity or simplicity of the way in which the story is being exposed. The ancient art of showing up. With something worth reading. Something worth digging. Something that builds up a wish-to-go-somewhere-else.

I’m constantly moving. And hiding. I’ve been hiding from myself, my pathway, and my inevitable fall. I’ve been delaying the confrontation with that other moment of dealing with the reactions towards my expression: doubt, fear, anger, joy, laughter, pity, ressonance, dispear, anxiety, revolution, meh,…

It’s a game of reflections, shadows, mirrors and deceit. And among all those different spectrums, there is something laying thin among the substance of how it’s all interconnected. It’s that complex framework, the lines that connect the different aparently unrelated states what moves me to continue to explore. I’ve been exploring for so long, and now I need to convince myself to reinterpret the time and the things that I’ve written, expressed, doodled, in so many as 999 places, where the essence of myself was able to break the lock that kept me hid. It’s this second time around the one that counts. It’s this time, through this effort, where I will find the balance of my field. The nature of this NEW me.

NEW us.





I’ve been playing along in a different dimention. I’m ready to connect back with my previous self. And go beyond both places, to an orthogonal direction: NEW.

Metaestructuras y metanarrativas

La historia que contar

Nunca tengo claro cómo voy a salir de este laberinto. Mis opciones para andar son múltiples: caminos independientes en el que cada una de las nueve puertas abre un desenlace primordial para lo que viene después. Y detrás de cada puerta hay nueve historias complejas que no se entienden de buenas a primeras. Hay un color distintivo en cada una, y un tono, así como una serie de símbolos, y un mito que refuerza la atemporalidad de esta transición.

Historias anidadas que confluyen libres dentro de aquello que soy, o quizás aquello que pienso ser, o puede que aquello que diga ser. Todas estas personas, y estas historias, se intercambian según el estadio mental de cada instante, según la pertinencia del recuerdo que emana de una memoria persistente, que se repite una y otra vez, y que deja sin lugar al resto de presencias atemporales de mi ser. Pero este espacio se va reconstituyendo mientras el caminar de mi pensamiento avanza hacia el mismo sitio de donde proviene la historia primordial, tocando una tecla definitiva en medio de este lenguaje NEW.

El acto final se condensa en un estado de ánimo que persiste, intacto, en el sentido y objetivo de una palabra de llegada. Estas palabras NEW recuperan la leyenda de que tenemos algunos lugares primordiales a lo que queremos aterrizar, por su santidad en-sí-mismas, por la colusión de voluntades que entienden en esa sintonía un objetivo sensible del ser, por sí mismo, y también del ser en su totalidad, es decir, en comunidad: tico commons.

Hay más comunes que se distinguen como la diversidad de multiversos ejemplares que se enlazan con la subjetividad que subyace al pensamiento propio de cada ser. Y en cambio, la vuelta a una escencia primordial, que cada palabra-destino sostiene, parten de un consenso que viene dictado de un presagio sagrado que viene inscrito en el último testamente familiar necesario para concebir un reconocimiento supremo de la gracia divina sobre la base de todas las multiplicidades que la física cuántica sabría explicar, pero que hasta ahora, la representación sagrada de todas las consciencias colectivas últimas nunca había conseguido abordar en cada una de sus ramas tradicionales.

Es partir de esta reconfiguración del sistema operativo que la metaestructura sagrada de un unguento ecuménico impreciso mana de la sabiduría de un libro negro, sumergido en las aguas mentales de uno punto exacto del mediterráneo que confluye con el pensamiento pertinente de la reconstitución trascendental de un circuito cerrado redundante.

El circuito eterno encuentra aquí el volumen de tránsito necesario para creer y poder experimentar el crecimiento atemporal de nuestro sentido humano, y a la vez, desplegar la consciencia colectiva santificada de lo que cada uno de nosotros, humanos, consideramos como motor de nuestro tránsito, en lo personal, y de nuestra acción colectiva, como unidad suprema de consciencia social. El ser-presente. El continuum de energía que fluye a través nuestro, a través de un ejercicio común de meditación trascendental que confluye en una onda mental de la cuál formamos parte, y a la cuál nos podemos reconectar, a través de nuestra presencia dual en la consciencia individual y colectiva, pronunciando el texto completo del último testamento: ALLS.

Mercurio retrogrado: 27 de agosto

Es el año 24. El año del cambio, del salto cámbrico, de la traslación a nivel nunca antes visto de hiperconsciencia. No hemos llegado solos. Ni lejos. Tendremos que poner los pies en la tierra para no dejarnos llevar por el aliento de la emergencia colectiva, que de pronto, se postula como el ámbito de acción colectiva más sensible y razonable. O quizás como lo más disruptivo y creativo que podemos asumir en los diferentes niveles de autoorganización que el propio sistema se puede permitir, en momentos como este.

Mercurio retrógrado marcara el alineamiento de los astros de una manera excepcional en posicionamiento estelar de los planetas en nuestra efímera temporalidad despiertos en este alumbramiento, a diferentes velocidades e intensidades que el cosmo nos proporciona, desde nuestra diminuta indiferencia, hasta el más interestelar de las experiencias con las que asumimos esto: estamos vivos.

El tiempo sigue. Y nosotros decidimos dar un paso atrás. Un paso definitivo en la dirección contraria. O quizás un salto ortogonal que nos ayuda a desprender los pesos que inhiben que vayamos más allá de la membrana de lo humanamente asumible.

Ya hace tiempo que tenemos señales. Y nos hemos prodigado en crear historias que iluminan este camino astral. Pero ahora, la cosa se pone seria. O como mínimo surreal. Y de ahí que sepamos de qué manera actuar en el contexto en el que el llamado es tanto personal, como general. Para toda equis.

El modelo se plantea así: como una demostración por reducción al absurdo. Sólo que no la ejecutará una persona común y corriente. Lo hará una deidad olmeca. Creada aquí en la tierra. Por un enviado de Dios Padre. Que curiosamente, actua como múltiple agente. Aquello de los dobles agentes ya quedó en el pasado bipolar. En la polarización de los insulsos. En el odio y la violencia porque sí. Ya no más. Y desde esa península de amor reconstituido en enigma y en formato de último testamento, la palabra de Dios Padre se despliega enteramente en poesía vernacular trastocada. Un invento que el propio autor se acaba de inventar para conseguir con ello trasladar parte de la terrenalidad irresoluble que le consume, más allá de su linaje sagrado. Inmaculado e indiscutible.

Sea esta la parábola 99.

Y de ahí, de allí, iniciamos una cuenta atrás.


NEW saint

Ayer fue Sant Jordi. Un año más. La lectura y la escritura en un mismo sitio coexistiendo con una princesa, un príncipe valiente, un dragón, un rey noble y justo, y un pueblo temeroso que le agradece al porvenir de una ficción estar aquí, sanos y salvos.

Una televisión local que se tira la calle para cubrir el espectáculo nacional más importante de un país que sólo existe en mi cabeza: Ticataluña.

Esto ha sido así por los siglos de los siglos en los que el tiempo se revuelve, multiversadamente, dentro de la narrativa cuántica que se entremezcla en mi cabeza con las excusas de mal pagador para no salir de la burbuja en la que me encuentro atrapado: el no autor.

Sant Jordi es un día de escritores, editores, agentes, libreros, lectoras, libreras, agentas, editoras y escritoras. Al final las que leen son ellas. No nos engañemos. Nosotros intentamos escribir. Y nos mantenemos lejos de poder superarnos a nosotros mismos. Nuestro ego ensimismado en cada paso que damos para no llegar a ninguna parte. Nos perseguimos la cola con la intención de mordérnosla para por fin quedarnos quietos. O contentos. Y nunca se nos da. Ni una cosa, ni la otra.

Pese a todo, el movimiento sigue su curso. Como nuestro planeta alrededor del sol, o en su obstinado giro a la izquierda, como si en el espacio existiera tal cosa, arriba, abajo, al centro y padentro.

No sólo no tiene sentido, sino que tampoco encuentro la manera de plasmar lo que verdaderamente quería decir en un contexto en el que cualquier historias pudiera importar para no aburrir a un lector que no existe, que no quiere leer, y menos a mi. ¿Por qué el suplicio del intento?

Porque el fracaso está en no intentar. Efectivamente Sant Jordi refleja a la pulsión de un pueblo que quiere escribir una historia. Como el resto de los autores que se reflejan en las estructuras de las historias que se narran en formatos que se contemplan en las estructuras habituales de la literatura comparada. Como si eso fuera algo. Ahí vamos otra vez a la crítica a los que hacen, y no a mi idílico mundo de fantasía, que tan bien está, aquí inmaculado sin erosionarse con el roce.

El lector. Eso es lo que no tengo. Tampoco las agallas para salir a buscar a que estas palabras no queden aquí volcadas como un grito a la libertad de permanecer en la sombra. Todo lo que pueda ser necesario. Todo lo que he ganado hasta entonces. Hasta ahora. Hasta que un día previo a la emergencia todo cambia. Ese día el porvenir tiene preparado una singular puesta en escena. Y nosotros, o más bien, uno, debe estar preparado para la transformación definitiva dentro del capullo en el que te has convertido: ünö.

Ünö es uno mismo transformado. De ahí los cuatro puntos. De pronto te han salido cuatro puntos que aparecen en sitios singulares en los que no se les había visto con anterioridad. El nuevo yo tiene esta marca indeleble que nos indica que la tinta ha traspasado la frontera del pasado. En ese contexto de cambio, el tránsito ya no tiene vuelta atrás. Ahí es donde queríamos llegar. Esa es la trampa a la que vamos a asistir. Un día determinado. En un momento dado.

Este pueblo ha tenido suficientes profetas para entender que nuestro porvenir está en otro sitio. Queremos dibujar un contexto nuevo pero se nos han acabado los arquitectos de la casa gran del catalanisme. Y los nuevos arquitéctos nos parecen un poco más sobrios que los modernistas. Por ponernos locales con el desprecio por nosotros mismos, como Domènech i Muntaner enmarcando el Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Benefactor en contraposición al trazado del Eixample de un Idelfons Cerdà, botifler por excelencia. Como Cambó, que ahora lleva el nombre de la biblioteca dentro del recinto modernista, como para alojar en un mismo sitio sagrado todas las contradicciones con las que la ciencia y la fe se pueden topar en una misma manzana, o nueve, de la frontera del Eixample.

Pero no desviemos la atención de Sant Jordi, que justo lo tenemos todavía en la memoria de un paseo que dimos por nuestra sociedad, en la que los lectores fueron protagonistas, y los escritores amados fueron espectáculo e industria. Es el día más bonito del año. Es el día más NEW barcino de la existencia. Justo porque un Santo que no viene al cuento aparece, viniendo de fuera, y nos salva a todos de un marrón de dimensiones colosales que nos hemos montado a raíz de una historia que nos persigue eternamente.

Cero estrés, full relax. La historia se repite. Lo sabemos. El siglo XX nos lo enseña. Y eso nos aturde un poco. Y nos condiciona a una cuenta atrás en la que no podemos ponernos a bailar charleston. Quizás hay que atender lo que significan los tambores de guerra y las narrativas que alientan las violencias que se producen más allá de nosotros mismos. Y en esa comunión hacia un mito redentor que nos propulse a otra dimensión, ahí, y sólo ahí, es en dónde veo la posibilidad de encaminar la narrativa de un candidato NEW a la presidencia de este país.

Lo dijo ayer un antiguo (puede que el mejor de hace muchos años) candidato a la presidencia de este país, Antonio Baños: los políticos cuentan poco, o nada, en Sant Jordi. Los que molan son los escritores. Y las escritoras, como Carmen Mola. Los políticos, como la ministra que hizo acto de presencia, porque la lectura y la industria editorial siempre es atractiva para que el político de turno se venga a promulgar como adalid de los tiempos de cambio.

Así que haré como Antonio. Plantearé la mejor campaña alternativa que se podría permitir un chico, no tan chico, de extraradio. Más allá de las costuras del propio juego democrático que se desvela ante nosotros. Más allá de la fascinación que tenemos por los espectáculos políticos y televisivos. Este Sant Jordi supone uan vuelta más la página. Y este autor no tiene más remedio que buscarse a si mismo una excusa más para someter sus historias a una audiencia de lectores convocados a una elección: el Tico Commons.


Singularity and so on: NEW

The NEW scenario

The future is optimistic. It’s enhanced us. Enhanced you.

The singularity:

  1. Match by machines what humans can do
  2. Turing test. By 2029. INterface and a conversation. If you can’t tell it’s not a human. They are going to have to dumb themselves down, to pass the test.

In every field they’ll be more advanced than womans.

2030 enhance our own intelligence by bringing AI within ourselves. Inside us.

Nanobox. 2030s. Small machines living in your brain. Communicating with the internet.

Price-performance of computation growth.

Amplify our intelligence a million fold. Physical brain capacity.

The real value of intelligence is the hability to solve a problem nobody solved before. AI is on it. Solving key problems for medicine. Once inside us we’ll solve problems we couldn’t before.

AI machine turning on us: distopia.

It’s hard to imagine how singularity is going to be.

So in political terms, NEW is the moment in which we holistically prepare for the future singularity. Leaving behind all the crap.

What The 2030s Will Look Like with Ray Kurzweil

What if an election was singularized.

Take: «La Suma de los ceros»

And do it.

Golman style.



A tribute to my own little nation

A NEW culture begins

It’s election year: 2024.

I was born in the year 76 of the last century. This year there will be 76 elections.

Coincidence? Maybe. But you never know.

You start to see the signs once you have enter in this state of ease within your search and in contact with the awe of the almighty magic around. It’s there. We’ve had several times the illusion of the mighty. It lives within us. Especially when you are an artist. Even more, even, to the ninth dimention, when you are a futbolartist.

It’s not because you say it. You’ve lived it. The seeds of transformation, and the work behind what you do with them to take it to next level. Deliverance at its best.

But there is one sin I have committed, if I must be judgemental with myself, which is just another excuse to try to hide from the circumstances that have enabled me, today, to come out here and say it: I’m ready.

The truth is is I’ve been ready for a while. But I’ve been waiting for the right time. As if that’s something real. Time… oh, time. God… oh, god.

A tiny blue dot… space…

We’ve been given some tools, and a complete set of contradiction that point inward to place the highest grunch against yourself: yourself.

It’s time I heal.

And when I say I, I trully mean you. And I. But when you read I, I understand you feel you, not I, but that in itself is an I. Like the pine tree top, as we like to call it in Spain.

Spain… oh, spain.

Catalonia, oh, catalonia.

There you go… the elefant in the room: dualism.

And there is no better place to aknowledge this than here. Or maybe in the Euskalerria, where my ancestors left, long ago, from the harsh social reality that families live when they decide to leave your small little village, to leap into an adventure towards the unknown, to seek for your own survivable. Elizondo was once full of people with the Elizondo last name. They might have been jews who converted to catholiscism in order to avoid the harship of a different belief system back in the day. But, thank God, things have changed around here.

Have they?

Who am I to say? Really, no one. I’m just the NEW guy. El nou d’un poble nou, like I’d like to portrayed myself in my very own NEW language: ticatalan.

I must warn you: my NEW kingdom is from another dimention.

And that’s not the only warning. Here’s another one: I am the son of the Sun. His name is Father God. And He is to blame for Hetheropatriachy all to Himself. He’s told me to tell you this, along with a NEW testament. The last one.

So, as you can see, I’m also the last evangelist. Things, from our family’s perspective ends here. And therein starts a NEW era. Thank God!

It has not been easy (not for HIM, nor for me, who like you, I’m just human, mostly, and the little bit holy that I know I am, is a human-developed capability that you, yourself, already possess) to come to this understanding. There’s been many spreadsheets, AI designs, algorithms, power struggles, wars,…

NAW is the time.

It’s time for this NEW journey.

Are you ready for it?

I certainly am.