Bill Burr blur

Everybody knows Bill’s humour is out of order. He’s, you know, twisted. But, heck damn righ he is white.

Half a history.

New América.

Remake New América not a fucking mess.

Because that’s what we are. You do see it now, right?

El cercle de menorquins a Barcelona es feia cada cop més un lloc inhabitable al que engeraria a totes i tots a prende pel cul.

Risas insolentes.

Cada encabezado tiene su pedo.

Uno de la el significante.

Ser un significante arbitrario de cualquier ente.

Ya me dirojo a los androides nomás.

El resto pueden ir y chingar a su …

¿Por qué meterse con la madre de nadie?

Y más aún, con la patria de tu vecino.

Los mexicanos no lo hacemos. Íranos, puto.

¿Cómo esperarían los gringos que les respondiramos si un día nos regalan un símbolo de su puta simpsonaliedad que ustedes mismos no saben cómo apreciar porque les da vergüenza que su puñetero American dream es un puta mierda racista de blancos sin ninún tipo de gracia, desde nuestra otredad como el beneficiario de los exceso «fuera de lugar» de su parroquia? Observemos pues la paja en el hojo ajeno, pero no olvidemos su vigas.

Why is our system collapsing?

Because the wise guys from Harvard are in controll.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.

Hold your laugh.



That’s a songprayer.

Songpray is biger than the Beatles, Mohammed Ali, Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Allen Gingsberg, Jack Keroak, Jesús Christ who’s come down from the New Heaven GOD FATHER, who came down to Florida, The Sopranos current operator manager, and Donald Trumps MAGA América. Ain’t that more reasons than the interpretation from that gun loving assasin of JOHN FUCKING LENNON president of the fanclub of Jesus when he was being all nazi and shit, someshit this twitter troll speaks up from latest cheat of the judicial system when it comes to go for gun loving war tycoon and entertainment MEGAGODS of our so narrow minded white trash true american puknny. CAGOENLAOSTIA.

Un español hasta los huevos saltó en ese momento y dice: molaría ser como puto amo que subió desde Llinars a su avión voló al capitolia y tras la resaca tuvos los huevacos de preparar el gran día de la liberación de MAGA América. En el último filtro de la historia. Un facha con ganas de servir al fascismo mundial. La fuerza de la cohersión frente al pacifismo subnormal bolivariano. Un insulto racista contra los latinoaméricanos y con algo más de saña de clase superior, con una rotunda honesta gilipollés inevitable va y sueltas una xorrada nazi por la cara. Una declaración de VOX con un Cara al Sol por todo lo alto. Con el criterio de un resurgimiento de los nostalgicos de la mano dura con las armas a nuestro lado cago en los mariconazos del mundo del arte, del cine, del teatro, de las bellas artes, de la danza, del activismo político, del periodismo vendido al demonio rojo del sistema que viena por nosotros, a su manera pusilánime de los pacifistas de mierda. Ya verás cuando tomemos el capitolio. Y va y se pega ese viaje por los santos cojones de su obsesión infantil por Ulises, en sus nueve reinterpretaciones más estrambóticas de una paridad decantada hacia uno de los polos de género que nos interesa analizar: el macho ibérico en peligro de extinción queriendo ser uno de los patriotas americanos contra el riesgo de negar la mayor: derrocar la democracia por falacia. Falarmente. Una pollardada. Un falo en boca de Don.

Don vs Don.

Pick your dick.

A New América tribute to our stupidity. We are fucked up! That’s what we are. I’m Donald Trump, expresident of the United States. I used to nuts about being a nazi in command of Air Force One. I could unleash the war on any of my nemesis, in a personal style. As the leader of the world. The rules didn’t allow me to take absolute control over the game by altering the results of Democracy. Intending to be all cool by denying my loss in what was shown to be a fair election of our democratic system, however old the neighbourgs point out in the toilet paper news about your fucking xenofobic dickheads, your are going down!

That would be which, neighbour?


b) mejico.

c)the russians.

d) The red comunist presenting a candidacy and winning the election.

e) The arm smugglers in our territory.

f) The arm holders.

g) good loving unoficcial not really votable american alien go back to where you came from and you can be separeted wharever why did you come, speak. Speak sayer. Bully. You recognized yourself at good. Of course you think you are good. You come from the white privilege narrative scheme. The why we are number one. Easy, right. Easey right works. I’m telling you. I’ve seen it displayed all my life. From outside the wall. We can pick into the Fenway and dream to run over grasses so fair as the outfield from one of those three players way the fuck away from the power place: home. Baseball is holly because a New Américan feedbackloopper call it that in voice from mix of our soul as set of rules to play each other in a competitive game. We are good at games. We like to play. And we’ve been way too much into your shit model. We as neighbors from acroos the border just see you as you are, man. Don’t take yourself so seriously. You are deeply flawed. We know it from a long time ago. We just didn’t know you were still so fooled about the display of the bigger game. The risks of putting those element of our society at the top of our morality. Who are going to serve, but God. Wait, what God?

h) Unbelievers

i) Feedbackloopers

j) Mandalorians

k) One ship with a scape plan: to leave has never seemed so right. Democracy fail. We are who are. Surrender the trap. The revolters were real poets. They had written shit in their facebook pages. We loved it. And followed a mad mob with Conferate flags, LGTBI flags (clearly infiltrados, as they have a project dedicated to protraying the collectives that we are aiming to distroy by hitting them hard where we can get them: trashtalking them out of business. Like this shit business they call democracy. Trashers like that, with high lever of literacy and social studies essays for their groups of collective learning of the white male soul nakedly accepting it from behind. Way to much information for hetero white proud boy. Don’t feed my deamons today, amigo. Not today. Cause I’m ready to blow. Let’s go: it’s tonight.


m) You don’t understand how we’ve seen you comming, negro.

n) The other according to the white proud american ones coming out on tv to overthrow democracy over the detailed filming of your heroicity galore. Your are a bunch of genius portraying the all NEW América idol. The one taking the system down. And failing while putting yourself on the spot of great white dick. GWD. A New MOVEMENT.

ñ) The new administration

o) Olmecan saints

p) Ticatalans

q) Tico commoners

r) Gringos viejos

s) Insane bastards dickeads

t) other insane bastards with the right humour

u) Right dicks dicking around

v) El Papa Francisco y 99 fieles católicos salvando el evangelio, el patrimonio, los debates contra los izquierdosos voluntariosos por convertirse finalmente en bolivarianos de verdad. El mismo pajarito que susurró a Maduro con la voz del comandante Hugo Chávez voló fuera de los valles y las montañas venezolanas y se adentró en un viaje que llevó por todos los andes hasta la cima de la montaña, y de ahí bajó hacia la playa, de ambos lados de la ladera. Como uno domina las cuencas. Uno, como la empresa de un imperio exterior. En proceso de exploración y conquista. Cuando los tiempos lo permitían. Se mira ahora con recelo. Pues en su día nos enganchamos al rollo. Los españoles son un ejemplo. Los holandeses, otro. Los frances, unos más. Los ingleses, sin duda. Los alemanes, no podrían faltar. Los vikingos, con ustedes empezó todo. Los Beverly Hillbillies 9. Ahí llegamos los mexicanos. Y trajimos con nosotros la revolución. Pero no somos esos pinches batos. ¿Por quién nos toman? No somos ameteurs. Nomás dije que era mexicano. Me vas a venir a perdonar. Pero hoy sólo tengo ojos para tí. Para no verte. Para mandarte a la verga una vez más, aprovechando que ahora es mucho más evidente lo que hay detrás de toda esta demostración de poder y mal perder. El elemento de caos suficiente para que nadie retome el control y parezca que la guerra civil la tenemos entre nosotros. ¿A quién deja bien parado todo esto? A nadie, evidentemente. Pero nosotros no hemos sideo los provocadores de este disgusto internacional que puedan estar teniendo ustedes en su capital, con la preocupante circunstancialidad de que un grupo de hombres hombres blancos organizados en milicias paramilitares de las cuáles tenemos suficientes recursos dentro de la jurisprudencia de nuestros servicios internos de neutralizar estas células de terroristas propias en el acto de infiltración por la fuerza en las instituciones del poder. ¿Qué dicen los militares al respecto?

w) Los militares

x) 99 richest people in the world

y) New Richland

z) New América

I am offering another way. Ours has gone down the drain. Maybe yours just know. In terms of keeping your good name. I’m telling this because as your neighbor, I LOVE THEE. I learned British Literature with a British tutor called Mrs. Evans, and Américan Literature with Mrs. Donahue in a school on the mountain that taught you to be integrated into the mountain, in the field, court, lab, agora, auditorium, gardens, patios, benches, launges, chillouts, study halls, billiards, tennis court, squash court, gim, olimpic swiming pool, feedbackloopper station. The New education system has all of these spaces. And we are going to ride along the way away from this shit that’s burning down in history as past state of the collective mind. They way we were like that. Not wrong. Just SO like that, it turned out to the fucked up. Suddenly there’s a feeling of a civil war that must be fought. Because we won. A lie. That’s what we know. The judges from your party said the fraud case didn’t stand a chance. You are beliveing Rudolph the black sweat lawyer is top class of civilization: those cynical bastards. How dare them? WTF class. Welcome to your shit world. The king is dead long live the king element in democracy having periods of 4 years of what we, the people choose. You chose, you lost. You feel hurt. We get it. Trump is going to face the law and he doesn’t have what good lawyers call «a chance». But your lawyer ought to believe. Or this guy goes with another lawyer. From all the tons that would charge half of Rudy’s rates. Nowadays everyone’s got a rate. And we all get pay. The system is great. He did America great again. According to us. The people who were fine before the venezuelan ran in and took our fair nation into New Caracas Cacas.

New Caracas Cacas se convirtió en la gran capital virtual de un cierto tipo de dudes.

La literatura del sur del muro nos tiró unos libros por la frontera. Los libros fueron distribuidos por los barrios por los que se mueven en el mundo según Gard del norte blanco. Ese soñado paraiso. No mamen. Eso si es primer mundo. Nomás hay que ver la tele. Y sus series. Y sus mundos imaginarios. Disney. Netflix. Amazon. Star Wars and Lucas evergrowing brand. That end of capitalism going good+. The A+ Society. That’s not even who is rich from his background family history and wealth accumulated. Work was the invention of the XX century as the way in which the people in the new modern society, who had to become industrial, in order to experience the posibility to move forward, to adapt more perfected models of society. And we mixed in the way and ended up being one single soul. And things went alright. Except for the departed. May they rest in peace.

Today a woman died in the State Capitol. It’s an unbelievalbe story that’s taking place. I don’t even want to be there. Presently looking at another one of your shows. And we love a good old New América white show! By GOD, we do. We just are not from that angle in particular. Respect many of your ways. Many of your postulates. Precisely being the xenofob dickhead bible of the great white dick. A balloon who’s air is running out. Trying to prove the virility of their force as the military take a day off from the responsibility of calling it out like it is. In social media. In those whatsapp comments with their high school pals. It’s a high school story still. Think of it. Guys from high school has the true conviction that they are being cheated of the greatest president in America History. Donald Trump with final day in power, by talking a piss on democracy letting his dogs create havoc. As bullys do and speak out about the threats on the stability of the markets. Why aren’t the capital rushing out of that caos? This is where we, as neighbors can start to talk about another society we have in mind. But clean up your act, will you. This shit is disgraceful. I haven’t been stuck to live news sindrome. We’ve fallen for all your main narratives. We whatch war movies because we loved to watch the films of your authors disagreeing with the power WHITE RIDE, and you getting a hang of what our neighbors way was all about. So we, as neighbors, from the distance, figure out we have something in common. Milions of latinos represent a present joint that moves freely south of the wall. Beacuase we ain’t here to try to be that. That thing up there. What ever picture you choose to amplify. Your failed american heart is a little like the feeling of shit this movie finally is going to be about the end of the world. It was all because of this dickead piece of shit who took over and try to go Turbo on us again, the way Adolf did, back in his glory days.

The expresidents new TV CABLE SHOW: the old glory days, with DON T.

The president has a new logo: DON T.

A mexican Design Thinking firm conviced him that this way he was going to be the one making money out of making fun of himself. Even the years in prision. But things were going to have to change. We are going to have to let some people go. We are in one of those tough spots you put yourself in when you have to fire people from the system. They are history in our history. Bye bye Don song. The risk of Civil War.

That’s on the table. The FBI has intelligence information on 99 subversive urban gangs. The undercover dude in ours was like shaaaaaait, mate. He pretends to be an american that speaks like a Brexiter. The DONBORIS gang. It was some bullocks time.

It was the greatest REIS in history. It’s a family fantasy thing. A bit like USA.

I am shitting with you. I can only hope that this shit we are looking at is all there is from the boys ouside the cage making all the noise. Are those infiltrated ROJOS trying bo bolechevique themselves into our political system. Are being boycotted by nazi white comunist?

That last question let some 9999999 NEW Américans worrying about their future? The greatest country in the world collapsing like the towers from a blow from within that we just couldn’t have ever imagined. CHACHÁN.

La pinche risa inundó las casas de los batos al sur del pinche muro que nos costó un ojo de la cara. Para que ahora el canijo se nos pele. Con la que nos debía. Alguien en México hizo bisne con Don T. Un chingo. Y ahora está serio viendo la tele con su vieja, como si no le fuera en anda el pedo, pero tiene a su comando a la espera de entrarle o no a la disputa por la fuerza. El ataque desde las órdenes del caos. El fin de nuestros tiempos.

DON T mientras tanto veía qué más había en la televisión. I’m bored, he said. I’m not seeing a way out. I’m up my neck. The proud boys are doing good, I’m telling you. I’d back them up and we’d have the country on its knees because the military has grown fond of me. I’m a old contractor in town. We all have stocks. Common. We are New América. Tycoons rapidly say it. It was a social movement with a literature integrated into the prose of our defeat. Damn, we are so Yesterday.

Oh, man, I ran out to look for the Beatles song and found this trailer. Of an impostor. A light out that erased something from all of our history. Like democracy. Forget the beatles. An ultimate facist movement big day into power. When would you consider they’d leave? The wouldn’t. They are not democrats.

Democracy in power. It’s like having something so big, light a collective block wave that erased the Beatles from world history according to whites and browns. The other browns. Brown history class. Brown history literature. The story about an unbelieable way out from an improbable hero. Still a hero tale. Like becoming a star. And beating Sheridan. And inviting him to play the real time moment someone else stepped up into his game at the top of the tallest mountain. Ted? Is that his name. I am so disconnected now the Brexit’s on.

Erase British History from our mindframe. We just tell ourselves a different story. But’s you, not me. What’s fucked up. We’ve seen in happened already. We’ve collided before. We come from the antagonist narrative ruling the world, the insitutions and the big thrill for guns, the power to kill, the industrial platform, the serious banking and insurance building blocks, the lawyers , the big consulting 9, the 99 families. Our American game. Our anglosaxon tale. We the white conquerors. The not so catholic anglicans. We revolted with Luther… we ain’t comming back. Catholic vs. New América Church of NEW England. NACoNE.

No seas nacone.

Se popularizo la frase entre grupos subversivos de surrealistas observadores de las piltrafas que el capitalismo escupía por la ventana que nos enseñaba el privilegio del hombre blanco vs la legitimada utilización de la violencia cuando se trata de otros colectivos luchando contra la infamia de sufrir la violencia del estado y de las mafias que mueven las armas en la vorágine interior/exterior de un mundo de asesinos armados. Tomamos eso como una realidad que nos avoca a una urbanidad armada. La protección en el estado de la naturaleza. Cada quién vela por su seguridad. Ya no con cuchillos. Esos chinos nos trajeron la pólvora. El efecto de traer sustancias a la moda de uso. Como la polvora para los ejércitos. Ese punto de plus tecnológico con el que españoles hicieron valer la razón del ganador de una batalla de conquista para derrocar el gobierno que surge de la gente. El discutir la democracia quiere decir que creemos que los demás congéneres están mal en la elección política de su gusto. Como hasta ahora había sido ir a votar azul o rojo. Es todo parte de la farse. Y del asunto. ¿Qué tanto corre peligro el planeta con la subnormalidad de esta cuadrilla de sociópatas fascistas? Los nombres no serán los mismos que los utilizados cuando se describe a quién cruza la frontera y juega de vivo. Yo si voy con mi show a New América tengo una audiencia que sabe que me estoy descojonando. Que les estoy chingando la marrana. Es lo mínimo que DON T merece para rescatarlo del fondo que está rascando, ya no sólo con la derrota, sino con la simulación neymaresca de que le hicieron penal. Lo peor de todo es la amnesia del que entiende las evidencias pero no las quiere creer. Como quién ciegamente cree en Dios Padre, exclusivamente, sin ceder a noñerías de izquierdas de los seguidores de Jesús y el resto de comunistas rojos hijos de la gran puta. Un hombre de derechas de verdad no dejará de mandar a chingar a su madre a nadie que siga considerando oportuno, a todos aquellos que ameriten ser humillados por el poder que sobre mis ombros me permiten rebasar todas las líneas rojas sociales a las que nos han hecho creer que todas y todos estamos sujetos. Nos controlaron bajo la amenaza de que si hacíamos las cosas mal nos vendrían a reprender. Bajo el mundo de los que nos va bien. Eleminando el riesgo de quedar descolgado. Y al no tener red, caer en la lumpensociedad. A la que tenemos miedo. No la protegemos, ni rescatamos, pero su sufrimiento, a demás de darnos igual, nos roba. Así que igual debemos exigirles que no vengan, así no sea verdad. Así los nuestros se estén yendo. Ya no sólo ellos. Y recuperamos entonces el gran espíritu originario.

Pasa la historia en sentido contrario a nuestro tiempo. En ambas direcciones: pasado y futuro. A la verga el hoy. Damos pena. Dimos pena. Esos pinches gringos blancos no me representan. Un poco sí el hombre de los cuernos y el pelo en pecho, a pesar de sus tatuajes. Algo en esa imagen me demuestra que en toda revuelta, inclusive los intentos de golpe de estado que ahora vemos cómo los gringos orquestan sobre el poder soberano de los representantes escogidos por el pueblo. En la ceremonia autoestablecida en el siglo XIX para dar forma un día particular en la que el protocolo del cambio de poder representa la voluntad libre de reciclar el juego aparente de poder. No nos podríamos haber imaginado que el propio presente, a tres días de dejar de serlo, convocara con su irresponsable falta de asunción a su responsabilidad, valga la redundacia, como político a cargo de la principal potencia mundial. El poder absoluto de un obstiando hombre blanco con la inmunidad absoluta en el momento justo para evitar el ataque legal de los despachos en manos de las firmas del otro color del Gran modelo americano de la alternancia.

Esa bien podría ser la argumentación de unos activistas con un valor de la resistencia a partir de la configuración de una milicia de respuesta antes lo que ellos consideraban como el momento definitivo para la insurrección de los privilegiados de siempre, los hombres de bien, de las putas y las pistolas de la toda la vida, la vida de las grandes familias dueñas de los senderos de la violencia. El control político de las bases. La construcción de centro urbanos y rurales de subsistencia simbiótica en equllibrio y resiliencia continua. El ciclo se reconforma. Pero no pasa nada. Pasamos de nuestra realidad actual. Dejamos que se vaya a la mierda. Si eso los borra a todos de la historia, demos el paso todas juntas. Votemos todos a la vez desplazar a la población completa del planeta, a la humanidad entera, en todas las lenguas, que demos un paso adelante hacia un mismo tiempo. Hacia la comunión de un estado de las cosas por encima de nuestra perfectible modelo capitalista que tantas cosas bonitas nos ha dado, y al que estaremos plenamente agradecidos. Las muertes inevitables que su hundimiento generarán. Ya no se puede culpar a la revolución. El mercado mismo se estrelló. Y el fascismo cerró los dientes en un mordisco final. Se acabó el juego. Quieto todo el mundo.

Los españoles podemos estar tranquilos porque nuestro comander en chief está super fresco de mente. ¿Cuál? Obvio el rey.

El presidente decide si hay que ir a la guerr: Sánchez mueve ficha.

Nunca antes jugar al risk había sido tan interactivo. De pronto nos pudimos informar de primera mano en que las fuerzas políticas estaban cambiando de dirección. El péndulo simplemente da la vuelta. Y sigue su camino. Estamos entre dos latidos, no lo olvidemos. El día que no sea así, habremos muerto. Esto es un hecho incontestable, pero útil, para entender que el riesgo máximo a la descomposición de lo que somos, el primero de todos, arriba de todo, está la desconfiguración de nuestras propias instituciones por la tentación de los paramilitares, en una sociedad armada, para tomar con el poder cuando el líder político nos lo indica, pasando por encima del control real de las fuerzas armas, las policías nacionales, las fuerzas de seguridad estatales, los policías de las series de televisión, los del ladrón común, tan bien dibujadas las fechorías de todos aquellos malos malores negros, chinos, latinos, musulmanes, feministas, trotskistas, abortistas, mariconazos, y los ticatalanes. Los llamados Malorians. La mejor serie del 2021.

You guys are going down. We can see it. Don’t feel pity on yourself. We’ve let to be falling before. It’s all part of the drill. It’s been filmed before. Our best writers are writting interesting literature for the diferent kind of entertainment we are going to need after this. What we saw today cannot be unseen. Like that foot on that throat. The way you are sick. And he was waiting to do this. The way I had forseen it long ago. And shut my mouth. I can’t hold on any longer. Something happened to me in the past, and now I have to let it rip. So here it goes.

The smell of the net in the scaffolding of the capitol was a sort of plastic that has proven to be the most effective one to allow security to be uncompromiseble within the site of the operation. They may have been in on it. They knew it withold the uploading of 999 patriots taking over the power that belongs to us. And we are not willing to let go. It’s us against them. We hate red. We hate blue.

A country divide. It was comming here all along. They are not the way, we thought down south the Muro. The pinchi muro, they call it. They make fun of us, you know. Fucking speaks. Do you know what’d do with them? Commons, aks me? Dare you? What would you do to them, Mr. Hillbilly: I’d shut the motherfucker up the ass, and say: speak now. You piece of worthless donkeyshit!

We are going to clear you out in different doors. Just to make sure that you don’t hurt each other as you storm out this mess. Allow me to be politically incorrect. I’m only a futbolartist from south of the border. I am a nobody who can singularly point my judging finger at your low point in history, as if opportunity strikes when you see the win in the military action. We know you want to use it. We know you do it all the time. We know that’s how your product keeps the market moving and creating value in terms of guns. Gunvalue index. How much do we depend on them? What’s the demand like other than public security? How is the return on those outofthelaw susbsistems shared with the gun manufacterers and interdependences. Do you want to talk treuce of business?

a) Treuce

b) Business.

Civil war is on the table. People have been talking about it in all 99 states. It’s out of proportions. The federation is shutting down. The system is overflown. War is always the answer, especially in peace time. Distopian young writters were going nuts. The story unfold one more time in front of our eyes. And we are here to say: I. I will take you away from this fucking mess. Forget this shit altogether. Listen to my global revolution in which the collapse of the Roman Empire is a given. You breath safe. We are moving on. Please don’t loose site of the projection in your phone. The system is going to selfevolve with the disruption of futbolartist who claims to bring into the table a mixture of cultures that could resolve into us voting ourselves away from the surreality that it’s comming from the decomposition of our facist state. Right there under our nose. We can’t help but watch. Only some us kept our attention in a diferent wavelenght to create the Juda Ben-Hur charecters of that crucifiction of Jesus. DON T believed many things. We have to give him that bid. He’s played quite a game. His performance has been out of this league. He’s left us all speachless: ¿por qué no te callas?

El Rey Emérito se habría atrevido a llamarle la atención a DON T: ¿por qué no te callas?

El rey don Juan Carlos de Borbón a DON T en una reunión de cacería con gente pudiente blanca del resto del mundo.

It’s not a bad time for billionaires. They can’t be too sad. They should give a fuck. The game is always tilted. It’s what they always say. They are there with their management responsabilities in those fancy enterprises that run business as usual. Life is the US et al. Science has changed: thanks to us. We are a black mirror to the world. The world can’t keep up. Sometimes they even look away for a sec, but they always come back. We hit’m with another one of our singular strokes.

We are fume sellers: we’ve always been. Take Hollywood, Wall Street, Military, Baseball, Publishing, Farming, dope, rock and spy vs spy.

This shit is crooked. And it’s tumbling down. But don’t think we are just going to sit back and relax. We are going to place the market in motion in order to reintegrate the stability that you need into the shape of capital transfer that gets advantaje to political instability in other countries of the world to move around capital that we had stucked up elsewhere. Where we now sell. We buy cheap, as the shit if going through the roof. We take the wave back the safe way. The thing brings down several solid business. Positions change motion. And we are telling the people interested in the game to get back in track. We are offering the deals. Trust is newest game. We will go this path. There’s no other way. Guess what? We don’t trust you anymore.

The risk of breaking up

Scoring is hard. Back in the 90’s when I had to (tried to) and failed. Or then again, in the 2000’s where I finally learned the ways, finding my self, solving all my poodles. The lagoons we must dry. That’s the task of cleaning our brain. What happens when you sleep. The things that get out of control when you don’t sleep enough. I have the time split. I don’t buy into certain theories. I know I’ve been there. I must no throw the stone at the citizen in the fronline of an upheaval movement that you trust to be the right thing. Even if your own mother wouldn’t see it. Taking that risk. Againt the odds of getting yourself repelled. It so happens that they kill palestians who throw stones at your soldiers on their first night in the post, to avoid defing from an attacher, seems to be the reason. The state violence you allow yourself to be displayed by the white gun loving men in the first day of independence day. Civil War: the way it’s always been. The divide of our hour. The you’s I love to hate. Come again, let me hate you some more. I can’t get enough, how much I hate you. I love to hate you. Common, bring it on. Go on your way. I’m running away. I don’t ever want to see you. You stink and yet I know white trash floats on top of the civil rights that outperform in the displays that explain what we are, what we feel, and how we are constantly thinking on the commons since we realize we were being fed the lamest xenofobic white trash from the recicled bins of the real valued extracted from our historic hit stories. Ever so expansive and engaged with the money game derived from crooked capitalism. Realism, as money people refer to. We were sold a rolls royce by merchart dealer of second-hand replicas. I couldn’t read this moment of our history as NEW Américans taking over in the direction that situates our angle as further away as possible than what has centered the attention of some local war boys storming in white old America castle and parlament, to avoid the course of time, to call on the truth and fairness of this election process, without being able to show the judges the evidence needed to make that claim in the first place. Already difamatory and used as tool, to lie knowingly to tire everybody out. And keep the attetion elsewhere.

This is a great time to be alive. This is increbible. Time is of the escense. But taking it easy too. I use time and space diferent that the rest. People may not like it. I’ll try to. I am going back to the game. And I’ll play the game.

El lider de las conspiraciones emerge entre la multitud revoltosa.

La demencia colectiva de un imperio se tamblalea con la ayuda de un sicópata y sus 999 patanatas tomando el congreso de los representantes del pueblo. La narrativa de cómo cargarte la democracia de tu propio país. Los casos prácticos de España, México y USA. La acción de defensa de la instituciones que defienden la violencia.

En dos días os puedo tener lista la revolución necesaria para contrarrestar nuestra dependencia en la narrativa melodramática americana. No quisiéramos que se quedaran ahí en la mierda. Estamos convencidos de que sabrán sobrellevar estos amargos momentos de desvergüenza para modular un poco su discurso supremacista y de aires de superioridad que por ahí resurgen como cuna de la democracia más antigua del planeta. De alguna manera, subsistirá. Pasado el filtro del ejercicio de desmarcarse del fascismo de ultra derecha, en vez de abrazarlo. El mimo fascista siempre es dificil de detener. Veremos.

La historia malentendida del legado anglosajón del modelo de conquistadores europeos del norte de europa. O bien, los que escogieron los ingléses-americanos. Ya se entiende. Eso otro.

Otra de vaqueros.

El americano más apropiado para representar al hombre blanco desquiciado finalmente salió de la posesión que había ejercido sobre Don T, que quedó mudo y pasmado en un sofá comodísimo de la sala de televisión del ala oeste de la Casa Blanca. Ya se habían acabado las palomitas cuando espíritu dejó a Don T, traspaso la pantalla y se apoderó de Q-shaman, la cabeza pensante de los arquitectos del pensamiento sabio en las antípodas de la conspiración antivacunas, antisemita, filofascista, supremacista blanca, y un poeta del directo. Un hombre blanco que nace de los dioses del hombre americano blanco, con su santa paternalidad sagrada, su vínculo directo con Dios Padre y los espíritus de los cazadores recolectores del pasado, y los exploradores cazadores de indios, los malos. Los malos malos salieron a la calle y se amotinaron sobre la casa del pueblo. El poder es de ellos. La defensa de los chinos-venezolanos que se han infiltrado en el cuerpo de Biden y Harris. La venta de nuestros valores. El privilegio blanco en riesgo de muerte. Como un toro aturdido, lanza su último alarido.


Todo llega a su fin. Ya lo decía el buen Morris Berman.