Las nueve maneras de ser

Veamos qué le pasa al vecino.

Alguien que conocemos. No muy bien. Pero vive al lado. No necesitamos ser amigos. Ya somos vecinos. Para mí, la comunión radica en el respeto que tenemos a lo que la otra persona es, al verlo como un ser humano. Somos miembros del mismo multiverso tiempo-espacial. Pertenecemos al tiempo en el que decidimos romperlo todo, y ser algo más que un documental argentino sobre la revuelta en el simbolismo del rock and roll nacido al sur de la muralla de MAGA.

Usted vecino bien sabe cómo es. Y también bien sabe lo que dice ser lo que le molesta. Y lo que importa. Y los riesgos de la sociedad. Que cuando nazis dicen abiertamente ser nazis no hace falta entender que los nazis actuales no son como los de entonces. La sociedad nazi. La complacencia de que vuelva el fascismo. Con su interés por acotar la creación y el arte. La elegante salida de la izquierda para elevar el debate a la solución plena de nuestra pulsión más automáticamente perversa. Nuestra pulsión a odiar. Como si supiéramos que aniqulando al enemigo no me hará daño. El daño a que sea él primero. Aprentar el botón. La intencionalidad de acabar con todo. Sin importar nada que nos vayamos todos en esa explosión. «He never bluff», dice la niña de Waterwold cuando Kevin Costner, el renegado que no le importa ir al infierno y llevarnos a todos con su acto. Una especie de héroe revolucionario que no sigue las reglas. Que mata por doquier. La apología del héroea blanco americano, un poco anfibilandio, como un Dios Pirata. Algo que podemos observar como nuestro: los piratas. Habiendo sido ingleses. Y queriendo dar por el culo a la Corona Española. Por los siglos de los siglos. Por el gusto por el otro y la plata. El pillaje como industria. Nuestra moral siempre impecable. La manera anglicana de ser moralinamente perversos. Asumiendo la perturbación del abuso de las niñas, la mujer y los muchachitos, si el padre, hombre, cabeza de la iglesia así lo dispone. Los secretos de sus pecados ahora son nuestros. Ahora sí deben guardar silencio sino quieren arder en el infierno. La perverción de ese mal que se dio en sus escuelas y universidades y que se tapó con el moral de que un hombre blanco puede violar porque esta nación fue creada sobre ese principio, como los gringos tenían esclavos. Y acá también. La carta verde del violador heteropatriarcal. La canción de las mujeres mexicanas que sufren la violencia por ser mujeres de uno y otro lado del pantone de piel, de uno y otro lado del muro, de uno y otro lado de las fronteras del país. La dualidad de lo que unos y otros vivimos. La centralidad de la capital, grande y una, católica, apostólica, romana y atea, la urbanidad satelital/capital de las ciudades por ahí repartidas en una red de comunicación por autovías y caminos. Ciudades, pueblos y playas. Haciendas. Balenarios. La vida popular. El narco. Capitales de provincia. Las plazas. El Estado. El ejercito. El pueblo hasta la madre. Los partidos. La burocracia. Los empresarios. Los emprendedores. Las pequeñas y medianas. Los grandes grupos. Los conglomerados. Las operaciones millonarias. Los resultados sociales. Los beneficios económicos. La política laboral. Los sistemas universales públicos de salud. La iniciativa privada de cada sector. La autoorganización de la logística y los suministros de centros urbanos como NEWDF o de cuidades como NEWGUA, NEWMON, NEWTEP, NEWVER, NEWTIJ, NEWPUE, NEWTOR, NEWSAL, NEWAGU.

Nueve capitales mexicanas de la nueva república NEW América: 99 estados.

Empecemos por el sur. Por hacer el viaje inverso. Si vamos a fundirnos en una entidad global continental, tratemos de darle la vuelta. Será el camino adecuado. Empecemos con Chile.

Chile, llevamos 8.

Vamo, vamo, Argentina. Dale.

Ojo acá: Inglaterra vs Argentina. Islas Malvinas. 23 estados federados


Vea que lindo mapa:

Ciudades de Bolivia
Nueve departamentos


17 departamentos

Ecuador, 23 provincias


32 departamentos y un distrito capital: Bogotá.
Colombia, 32 +1


Venezuela: 24 estados


26 estados

Organización territorial de Brasil - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


19 departamentos

Lista de todos los departamentos de Uruguay y sus capitales


Estado Soberano de Panamá - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
10 provincias

Costa Rica, patria querida.

Siete provincias: dos mares. Caribe y Pacífico.

Organización territorial de Costa Rica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Costa Rica, ya diviso en lontanza aquella playa bendita, ya mi corazón palpita…

Nicaragua, vecina, hermana.

Organización territorial de Nicaragua - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Nicaragua, 17 provincias.

El Salvador, mi cuna.

El Salvador, Departamentos, Capitales y Distritos
14 departamentos


7 provincias.

División Politica de Honduras | Departamentos y Municipios : XplorHonduras  Honduras
Honduras, y sus tierras no colonizadas


Organización territorial de Guatemala - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
22 departamentos


Organización territorial de México - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Ah, verdad. ¿Qué se siente?

32 estados, uno de ellos el ex Distrito Federal: la Ciudad de México.

con el nuevo sistema de provincias se convirtieron en -
México, siempre fiel.

United States of America, oldest democracy in the map.

Organización territorial de Estados Unidos - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia  libre
50 states


Organización territorial de Canadá - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
10 provincias y tres territorios
Blame Canada

NEW América transforms the whole continent as a whole and we are going to work for our collective wellbeing. Let’s make the world a place we already like to preserve the furthest away from our violent thrive to assume power as a controlling tool. Democracies. 99 estates relationg to each other. A common status on how we cope with a brand NEW social model: New América. Let’s make New América greater than we would accomplish on our own. We know you’ve been good at stuff. We are going to love to hear you stories. Wait until you hear ours. Let’s start of with this one. A continent unite: the territories as we resignificate our land. Giving the native cultures a way to express our undestanding with the balance of the ancestry of our people. From a NEW perspective. Come down from your cloud. We’ve been expecting you. And you need a third party good neighbor to tell you: it’s been enough quarrell. Your insane love towards guns has got to stop. Let’s heal together. Let’s listen to the Tico Commons as the NEW model for collective new transformation scheme. A pyramid scheme. A new one. Trust me. This time, and only this time, it’s going to work.

Come on in. This button will work through the paperwork. You need to sign up and stuff. The usual thing. Bear with me for a second.

Vamos a convertirnos en lo otro: lo que no somos.

Vamos a redirigir la ocupación del espacio público y los espacios privados suficientes para desarollar la capital de nuestro sistema emergente: a partir de este pinche puto instante.

Was that too much to ask?

Is it too wordy?

Do you fucking care to learn the language of your neighbor?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Nine gringo friends.

I’m giving space to the commons.

Allow this to be our script.

I’ve got your back Tico Commons.

You are in.

It just take your will to be.

To enter.

To sign in.

I could keep giving you buttons. That’s what I do. I’ve been practicing a come out tale. And I tried to write the fictional outcome of my own personal vision taking act into a perfeted resolved world. The one we are all in. As a new tale of power influences and personal way we decide to believe to be the ultimate rule. The truth. Veritas. Vera.

Mi escritura es un gesto que vine a cultivar a esta ciudad para empezar en la periferia de lo que aquí sucede, porque yo aquí lo he sido todos los niveles posibles de una manera de calcular si lo has petado hoy, o no: flop.

Cope with failure lecturer.

My classes began being links on the net nobody saw in ages. It’s always been there. I just didn’t open the play button. Because I decided not to play. I stood out. I just kept out of that world. And I lived there for a decade. I underwent misery and joy at exactly the same level as I did the first years of this milenium. You will be thrilled. I could just cook it up for you in nine tales. And you are going to follow me to the other end of the NEW world: Ticataluña.

I call them pleasure buttons. You go there.

You take yourself there.

You are in control.

The Internet gave us will to become one altogether. Somewhere along the line you gringos had a thing. We saw it. And got hooked into your perfect world. We’ve been witnesses. We fucking love, neigh.

Neigh Williams. My number one New Américan friend. I am going to tell you the story about the best nine NEW Américan in my life. Just because I love y’all. Y’all I learned from lady from the south. I very much like the south of the, shall we call them/you names. Just to jump the rope of telling each other the nastiest joke we got for you. Bring it on, gringo!

Rojo y blanco. Redanwhy.

Redanwhy Whygone. My best female femenist goddes artist free spirit flesh and soul like angels fallen from the religion who’s painting those images of the sanctified heavens we ought to be-like in our dayly practice. Just our about life today. What’s my role in this charade?

Redanwhy answers from the heart. We’ve been in an intimate flow. I only role in high intensity. Allow me the surreal. I don’t know if your priest gonna like, but you know what they say about christian pastors: if you weren’t a fuckup that tryed all the shit until I say the devil in the eye and kiss his mouth allowing my homosexuality to shine, finally, forevermore.

Try unreading that.

That’s the name of a collection. It became a debate on the interactions we had with the mobile phone and our group of friends comming out from every angle into a single place. This place. Today. Here. Reading this. I’ve written this before. This is my game. To light the day, into resurection day.

The other end of you is blue and white. I get you too. I have 9 of you to represent in heartfelted hug.

I’m offering my understanding to you holy duality. You hate to hate your neighbor. We’ve seen you. You two come from antagonist world. AND WE LOVE IT. WE LOVE YOU. YOU FUCKING HAD US AT HELLO. YOU DICKHEAD BASTARDS!

Was that right, was that right, immitating, as good as I can perform on one of my nine theathers where I perform in my NEW capital: NEW BARCINO.

Welcome to a new narrative.

I’ve arranged with time to be absoltely improvised as fresh as the fish you learned to cook by the time you were nine in these nice types of eating fish.

We’ve learned how to eat you junk food. And we/you liked it!

I kissed a girl, I liked it.

I kissed a guy; felt weird.

I didn’t give it my all. I was, as all males, afraid to be a faggot. You know México: we have this nine pecados.

You are not going to win Mexicans how to be catholics. We’ll beat you in a Jesus-like life of our neighborly peninsulas. We can accept you are an unbelievable neighbor. You are simple the best; better than all the rest. You are steaming for the longest time. With your independence shit from holy mighty British Empire. Take that queen. The Americans who feel pride over the way they let go of paying taxes to an overseas crowning game. Your insolence of fucking off the king/queen of England at all periods of times has won us a place to fight for our historical wars to keep the spirit of the Argentina victory in the Azteca and what really means when you accept the fallacy that wars are fought for you and not for the whole interest of the arm investment holders to push the market up. As markets, at least the first nine ones, should keep the upward motion of our sustainable NEW system: we are bigger than Gaia.

A wild crazy wave is not going to come chase me for having the dare to compare with such an impossible hiperbole. That’s the joke. Expand the laughing possibilities of whatever shit comes to your mind. I’m talking as if I could die tomorrow. There’s a chance.

If I was to ment to be a writer is because you red me. People did. And that changed something. For some time. Until another comes with a better alternative game. And we iterate our intent to solve the fucking puzzle. At once. Don T think he’s got it. He’s got big player’s hand. You own the table. You play on top. That’s your perspective, neigh.

We are the other end.

We ain’t you.

You’ve left that clear.

By no means let it this be like that black woman who mistakingly sat where she was not supposed to. What that New América represents. Noticed the New, huh. You are quick. Or at least a reader. Sometimes all we need to do is read more to be informed. And to be able to create new and better worlds. Somehow it works for all of us at the same time. The aspirational self of fooling your head. Your expectations ain’t shit. Erase them. Throw them down the path of history. Let your nation flushed in the same thing that washed our our whatever shit we’ve believed since 1986 where we could Maradona you up you aztecan ass. With all due respect.

I learned you language. We fucking love English. It does have the name of your previous owner. Oh, no. You are born free. You’ve voted into the great narrative of the world we are. What we can say we are in front of a big NEW mirror in your house. The NEW mirror is just a nine level alteration of our roles in nine diferent perspectives of a NEW COMMONS thingy that works out an affiliate system of delivering the service of beginning instantaniously the beginning of the Tico Commons. The current ongoing flow the fuck away from here.

No offense, neigh. I’ve seen you do better. We fucking love you. And dislike the dickhead from both blue and red people, strangled in bars like it signs in our anthem strategically introduces by a mexican friend the composer, who ever the fuck he is/was, the funniest guy the composer met in his life, … this phrase is going nowhere, I need to stop. Some readers get nervous, and leave. They stop reading. This is a reading place. I offer you words. Fresh words. Of a present emergent interchange. A new way to flip the current state of the ruling common NEW law.

El modelo NEW es tan Ticatalán como NEWDFiano.

Lo que representa Coyoacán.


Was this your big vision?

The little girl in Waterwolrd tells Edward Hoftman, the bad guy, the guy with the Arus tan and the one eye patch. You know the guy. Hopper. Hopper Edwards. Hopper Seller. Dennis Hopper. Christopher Hopper. You know who he is, right? Common. You know. Edward Hopper. The actor. The bad guy in Waterwold. The hero of the story, a really water renegade who’s back to save the nine year old America Kid in the middle of this water Distopia. The water people where stuck somewhere where there was no dry land. A waterland. And that shit works differently. It’s pure vanilla New América. A flop that rolls out to utopia. In the art form of the absurd. The way we were. What we let our craziest directors in our Hollywood history. We are Hollywood. Hollywoods picks up a couple of years after. But he haven’t seen the biggest Hollywood story. A mexican break through. A gang of nin mexicans crossing the boarder horse backring nine horses collored like the rainbow. How many of the, or us, do you consider would get alive to NEWLA if they came with a papyrus handwritten where they have scripted the movie that’s going to flip our way of relating with you neighbor: NEW América.

You Americans have a struggle. This struggle is my own. I feel you in my heart, as I have grown with the love from many true friends from High School. People from Karachi, Japan, France, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, NEW Delhi, Katmandhu, Dacca, San José, San Juan de Naranjo.


En ticatalán lo que antes conocíamos como Naranjo ahora se le conoce como Naranho. No es un cambio que afecte la sonoridad de nuestro pueblo, o más bien, del pueblo de mi papá. La historia familiar de los pueblos y las ciudades que co-habitamos. La urbanidad y la ruralidad de publos y ciudades capitales. Nueve ciudades capitales y 99 pueblos constituidos sobre un nuevo credo: NEW. La última religión. La suma de nueve.

El libro de las reglas: ¿eso qué es? Nomás llegar a mi primera experiencia con High School tuve el privilegio de conocer al primer americano que me estudió para saber si podía proceder a acceder a su escuela. Un proceso que no está asegurado. Tenemos que entender quién es nuestro alumno y su familia. Aplicaba también para alumnas, pero al ser una historia que tiene que ver con el pasado y nuestras maneras heteropatriarcales a penas se comenzaron a ver cuando se estableció un modelo de doble moralina americana: usted aquí va seguir un código de ética que se basa en nueve textos alternativos de los mejores decodificadores de nuestra escencia colectiva reconstituida. Los textos sagrados que nos llevan a una nueva era NEW. La era resuelta. En fin de la violencia.

Quieto todo el mundo.

Bajen las armas.

Los americanos sacando las armas cuando algunos hombres y mujeres armadas entran a amedrentar a los «pseuderepresentantes» del pueblo entero. Las reglas son esas: en la democracia 150 millones de americanos votaron. Justo la mitad votó azul y ganó a rojo. Rojo no aceptó que perdió. Vió mano negra. El hombre naranja vio mano negra. Mano Negra le escribió esa misma noche unos versos que nunca cantó. Lo que nosotros vivimos fue una liturgia más de nuestra afición a seguir los acontecimientos históricos del imperio en riguroso directo. Es el mejor show del mundo. El mundo está enganchado a sus gilipolleces. Como nosotros a Messi y a Kobe. Lebron o Gasol. O Nadal. Como si mucha gente fuera de España se sintiera a español como Nadal. O por Nadal. Siendo de otra país. De otra cultura. Pero asumiéndose Nadaleño. Y todo lo que expresa Nadal a nivel simbólico y político nos repreenta a los Nadaleños al 99%. Nos reservamos un mísero 1% para entender lo que es ser una minoría en cualquiera de las dos colas de la distribución. Y lo habitamos.

Ser americano pero desde la periferia. Por qué no querría yo también mandar a la verga a todo el pinche sistema heteropatriarcal neoliberal que ustedes mismos nos han enseñado que es una farsa que aguanta ciertas falacias contra la salud y bienestar de su propio pueblo porque su pueblo asume creer que el bienestar colectivo amenaza nuestro pulcro modelo capitalista neoliberal militaroide, como si con petroleo, universidades, cine, entretenimiento, música, electrónica, videojuegos, shapers, shamanes.

We fucking love you. You are so much bigger than Bojack Horseman. And we can’t get enough. The orange man came to put an act: everyday. And he did it. He’s got the codes. He’s got the codes. He’s got the codes. Everybody down. And time freezes in his head. And we up into oblivion.

Stupidity of humand kind might just erase our planet.

Selfdestruction is something we’ve seen. It’s a human experience. Individually and collectivelly. We all felt a little ashamed of our world leader. The things that we say on tv reminded us what happens in lesser places of our GOD focused territory. Some Americans float in a feeling of belonging to the last Pecsi in the desert. Some of in Mexico call it pecsi, is there a problem with that?

You are dick.

I’ve had the responsability of telling a dickhead he is whe he’s dicking around. What the only way of stoping a bully when shit is taking place in public space. Avoiding violence. But what happens when violence has erupted from one side, while holding a gun. That’s how that veteran of war died on the staicase rest stair: following the command of the Commander in Chief. We should remember her name. She went down for a lye and an irresponsible dickhead who can’t accept he’s got no proof of having been cheated on what was observerd like a fair election. There’s a complex debate on how the rules from each of the states from the confederacy of dunces. And it would be oversimplyfying reality if we only took those in the front of the battle between the dickhead reds and the blue internationalist goody gooders war loving liberals. We are fucking the U of the Fucking S of the wickest América.

América could be name of our NEW nation. We need to change gears. Something is totally wrong with us. How did we get here?

Brother and sisters. I feel you pain. Your torn hope leaps us the continente and is projected into the electromagnetic wavelength that connects our end of the North pole with that other end of the South Latin American pole.

Latinoamérica vecina.

Have you been introduced to the back patio policy?

Were our bullys play around.

We’ve got the guns.

Let’s make them trust our gun loving capitalism.


Let’s talk about mountains: Hills of Montezuma.


Have you ever cared about the history of your neighbor’s country? Some American’s have. Not many. But some have experience the ride. And loved it. And became Mexicans. Like some became Tico commoners. And others Ticatalanes. Identity personas. Places to land. New cultural twits. Diferent shapes and colors. Like the orange man and his minor rule. The fascit idea of renovating militarism and strict order from just us gunlovingpeopleoftheworld.

Cure them.

That’s my take on that. Common, neigh. Don’t get like that. You can’t take a joke. Oh, please. You, the white priviledge ones: the real dickheads. Not just single neural forms. I’m getting nasty with you. But it’s all breaking your balls, boss. Common, can’t you take a joke? Can’t you take a grab by the pussy? Can’t you take a kick on the pussy?

Feminist would go for my throat. They’d ban me from using, ever, the word pussy. I rebel. I am a poet. A pussy up. And pretty darn good at it, too. Huh huh. With the head movement of the negro people: respect. We brown people choose to be your brothers, as you know now how it feels to be unfairly treated as you just said nothing when them po-lice took those inmigrants crossing the boarder, much like the patriots climbing the wall of the Capitol, proving the wall they trully feel should be there and we, Mexicans, should pay for it, really serves no purpose than absurdly pledging honor to Keynes in useless bullshit macho show. Grow up. Stop. Please. You are giving us a trully remarkable moment in history. Enough already.

Some grownup neighbor that love you is going to tell you the things you won’t like to hear. You’ll do you own retrospective on what ever happened on 1/6, the NEW memorial day. A sort of expression of the people. The ones who are saying: this ain’t happening, we’ve got the guns ready. Get ready for fight. We invented war. We come from war. Power is war by men. Some of feel pathetic when we realized that’s the choice we’ve been induced to accept as our best alternative to a sustainable and ecologically friendly social system. For all x. How are we going to organize the system to play a resilient dessign of the NEW model.

The NEW model exists. There are 99 main references. Each one has its own debate chat. The arguments have turned into voting options that are continiously reinterpreted with the cummulative data of the new prosperous minds. The NEW people of the NEW world.

Welcome to the show.

Fasten your seatbelt.

This spacecraft is about to depart.

Navigation will take us up to the mother ship. Departure from NEWEAR to explore the edge of expansive human frontier.

We learned the history of conquest from your exploration of our northern lands. That was too cold for us in the winter. I am speaking as a New Spaniard. We can move around time. Back and forth. We will go to year zero. Like every Christmas. Allow me to get technical on theological affairs. I like good biblical debates to be taken seriously and from a surreal perspective with the scope of Dalí’s catholic religious reaching at the gates of estigmatas, and Buñuels aknowledgement of the sinister role of the Christian morals on the social framework of our heteropatriarchy misoginistic herd of dickheads making money over time. The rich end of a money and fame American vision grid. A map across New América. The reshaping of ourselves.

You see, at this point I’m all in with you. I am New Américan. I can’t be denied being part of an identity a create to mirror what take from the part of my neighbor I love. And disregard te rest. I just drop it on the other side of the wall. And bring home the bacon. Big time. I take control over some strategic NEW markets. And roll like Mexican acroos the hills of Montezuma and swiftly acroos in the valleys that approach to the promised land of California. Where dickhead America get’s cured. I get both you asses. If you disrespect me, please allow yourself to be rattled up. I am just like the tiniest frogs from the tropical rainforest from deep acroos the roads that lead to Limón. Cerro de la Muerte.

If you pass that wall you reach paradise. Limón. La historia de Limón es primordial. Nosotros debemos estructurar la salida al mar del Caribe. Costa Rica es Caribe. Toda la costa. Y sus playas. Sus pueblos. Sus olas. Su ride. Sus tortugas. Sus canales. Su vida tropical. Lo tropical tico es patuá. Y eso implica aprender una lengua nueva dentro de nuestra diversidad lingüistica. ¿Cuál es el interés de un tico del valle central por aprender el patuà? Nulo. O como mucho un uno por ciento. Siatonto.


Sonchos que somos. Diay.

Di sí.

Di sí.

Mae, qué fea esa vara. Eso estuvo muy jodido. Y creo entender que más allá de lo que pueda resultar jocoso, gracioso y penoso, cinco personas murieron. La veterana del ejercito americana a la que hemos visto morir a manos de un agente de la seguridad del capitolio. Uno de los nuestros. La última linea de defensa. Esos hombres del presidente. La seguridad depende a los más altos niveles de personas especializadas en neutralizar los intentos violentos de insurrección contra las intituciones del estado. La revolución de los cayetanos toma el capitolio.

Se puede filmar en Montjuic. Traemos cayetanos de paseo a New Barcino. Les enseñamos lo que era Barcelona. Los apabullamos con su belleza. Es la primera vez que están aquí. Vamos a fundirnos en el otro. La entrada incluye el performance de la muralla. Derrocar el sistema. Ocupando las instituciones. Con gesto de fuerza emergente. La revolución de quién sea. El riesgo continuado de las revueltas. Lo que los políticos del partido popular llaman populismo, como si ellos no lo practicaran, más agraciadamente cuando resulta de manera involuntaria.

Veáse a Q-Shaman.

Abramos el elemento de la narrativa visual de los gestos que quedan marcados en la retina de un planeta. Mientras vosotros hacéis el pimpin, el mundo se come con palomitas lo que aquí devenga, confiados en la solvencia de un sistema democrático iterado durante 99 periódos históricos que ha ido avanzando para una mayoría de la población. La libertad de los esclavos. La historia de los negros, cuando no la hisotria de los blancos. La historia de las tribus americanas de las que ya no se habla. Los mecanismos para callar a los propietarios de la tierra. La manera que se nos ha velado con el discurso pastelero de lo que algunos opinan sobre lo cojonuda que es, y lo deletrea, la u, la ese, y la a. U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A, U/ESE/A.

Quién es Q-Shaman, el joven con cuernos que entró en el Capitolio? |  Euronews
Chumlee Jamiroquai, and Corey Harrison.
Los activistas que asaltaron el Capitolio ya son reconocidos y comienzan a  perder sus empleos - Infobae
Trump is my president flag 10 star flag, the United States of América 50 star flag.

Allow me to try to understand you, neigh.

You are a complex creature. We get that. We’ve put up with your neighborly behavious and with your quest for violent glory. We’ve seen your history. We are in it. As the enemy. The mojados acroos the border coming here to do harm. You racists bastards.

Not all of you racist. I don’t mean it that way. Should someone get offended from a message especifically addressed to the open racists. They’d like to be included here. They are very much interested in certain bigotry, which you oversea, like or allow. Somehow dickheadom prevails. Dicks have had a good share of the entirity of the power cake. So still holding on to it is a recurrent social process. One holds power: kingdom. Dictator. People: democracy. A few: aristocracy. Let’s try something new. Let women rule. Let’s take that road. I’ll play along. I’d like a woman to be the president. I’ll just be the NEW baffoon. I’ll tell the tales. The NEW holy tales. The new scriptures. The working manuals. The study material. Resilient societies had processes, measurment of data and renovable energy from the production reconstruction of green renewable circular global system: Ticataluña.

If you want a new state, I give you one. It’s just out of this dimension. In a higher level. To place on top of the layer that withholds us as states. Like the CE for the nations that make up this other collective rule. A global state of mind. A global NEW state. One that runs in our mind, and then across the networks that allows our reaction to join the movement. To sing in. To pay. We are in on it, I want to hear you say.

Record it now. Here. Somehow where you can leave a voice message. And we organize the content. What you said. The tags. The metadata. The selfclassifying labeling scheme. The self-propagation iteration. The new set of live results. Refreshed every 9 seconds. Close to live. Close to alive. IA. Working for our social benefit. To incorporate the views of minorities. Their voices. Their tales. By being part of a collective effort. A new rule of complex systems. NEW rules. Basic start. Easy concepts. A game.

Listen up. Listen up. I am going to take you places. Places you’ll see the NEW world. And you are going to be transformed. And your quest is going to be our own. Trust me: NEW América IS trully GREAT NOW. NAITGN.

NAITGN red caps. Made in China. Sold at 9,99 US$

At some point all those buy buttons are goint to have to be connected into a paying hot line. Something that takes you down my funnel down to the secure payment multiverses. The states of nature of the NEW business model. Learning to collect on this nine monetaries levels of operation. Here’s were money flow turns the HIGH end.

I am going to level with you. If I choose to be an Américan I’d rather be Orson Wells than Citizen Kane. The creator. You invented cinematography, as an industrial production show. And mada something of this valley: a place where showbusiness shines. People come with dreams and either you touch the sky or just live the urban life of a pretty interesting city life. Capital cities like this one could represent the change we ought to see happening up Norht. And you guys don’t seem ready to step down the stepping on your brothers necks. You all wanted the military action to take place somehow. The rioters as a control strategy to take over. They way we’ve been trained. The way we’ve done it in drills and online wars. The way we picture power should be sized with guns. The violent gun-loving América. People I know with their guns. A civil thing. A civil war. Hating our guts. Dicks like the ones in Gigante. And Dennis Hopper marrying a mexican girl. In love. A gringo family boy with a humble mexican. The mestizaje story of rape. American-Mexican rapists. This is what feminists mean. Listen to them. We know you, imbecil. You forget we are free. We are not going to stand bullys in our society. We are trying to cure ourselves. That’s why we choose to leave he violent ride. We accept we were addicted. Like you to our drugs. Or your drugs. Ours, the bigger ours. Somehow we both consume and distribute. Your military charade is falling. You military minded businessmen. Please. Let’s pretend you dissapear. Let’s explore the exit state of nature. Let’s assume the laying down the market. Think of nuclear nonsensness. How many times must we risk our own collective preservation.

What if a meteorite should strike the earth and we need to nuke it, but we left the technology behind. We just gave up and invested on science based develpement of a green sustainable social model. A fair NEW world. A starting framework for immediate departure. We are taking off. The ships will be distribute accoring to the signing up of our multiversal collective surrealities.

9 initial creators. Gender parity, without the obsession of the 50%. Distributions that are biased. Majorities of 99% vs 1%. Experiencing belonging to the mass, and left out with the minority group. The greatness of fitting in. The greatness of the learning experiences at the edges. A sort of creed in the quest for the golden treasure: heaven on Earth: aknowledging the entering of complete stable state in harmony with the whole: ALLS.

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