The NEW scenario
The future is optimistic. It’s enhanced us. Enhanced you.
The singularity:
- Match by machines what humans can do
- Turing test. By 2029. INterface and a conversation. If you can’t tell it’s not a human. They are going to have to dumb themselves down, to pass the test.
In every field they’ll be more advanced than womans.
2030 enhance our own intelligence by bringing AI within ourselves. Inside us.
Nanobox. 2030s. Small machines living in your brain. Communicating with the internet.
Price-performance of computation growth.
Amplify our intelligence a million fold. Physical brain capacity.
The real value of intelligence is the hability to solve a problem nobody solved before. AI is on it. Solving key problems for medicine. Once inside us we’ll solve problems we couldn’t before.
AI machine turning on us: distopia.
It’s hard to imagine how singularity is going to be.
So in political terms, NEW is the moment in which we holistically prepare for the future singularity. Leaving behind all the crap.
What The 2030s Will Look Like with Ray Kurzweil
What if an election was singularized.
Take: «La Suma de los ceros»
And do it.
Golman style.