Supongamos que hay dos estados

Yo se que no es fácil renunciar a la unidad.

Ni modo.

Te chingas.

A la verga.

¿Qué pedo?

¿Algún pedo?



El otro estado: vótame a mí para acceder a ese otro estado.

My thing.

Become what you are.

Raise up.

The NEW community.

The last answer.

Our quest.

My doubts: the nine big questions.

Search for them.

Search with us.

This is your mother fucking NEWCoP!


The forgive me clause:

—Ladies, I am trully sorry. I ain’t like them fools. They are motherfucker old fashion dicks. I’ve spot them. My entire life. Fought them like you fight a nazi. We all do. That shit ain’t right? Is that clear?

So here’s the deal, nayers: FUCK YOU NAZI.

That’s how you talk to a nazi. It’s in the morals class. The NEW rule.

Ok. Just for a minute, amplify it, make it ninetynine seconds.

That’s the new rule; now NEW rule.

The answer is NEW language.

We can include there everything we need to pack. We are going. Tonight.

And we go.

As high as high goes.

I strokeout again.

Just this Sunday.

I didn’t show.

I just let time pass.

That’s kind of my thing.

I have a plan.


I’ve call it long ago.

But I wasn’t quite so convincing.

People thought I was crazy.

I forget sometimes.

But when I really come to my senses I am back to that same multiverse you may be welcome to establish at right now. At your own risk.

I have a terrific actress for that role. She’s the Falcon crest story of as a heir of one of the family names of our land. The history of our families in NEW spain history.

You see we can take a ride together.

You are in here or you are not in here.

That’s clear.




Y me voy a la verga.

Esas seis palabras son un libro.

Una pinche lengua nueva, putos.

Mae, caraepichas están listos para el más sublimes de los planes………

El nueve puntos.

La solución ortogonal a su pinche mundo culero.

Ay, por qué no te vas si tanto te molesta estar aquí.

Unos dicen: xenofobia. Otros: no lo veo.

Las putas dos españas, ostias.

Iros a tomar por culo.

Iros a tomar por culo.

Iros a tomar por culo, por favooooooooor…ouooooooooo…ouooooooooo…ouooooooooo…ouooó.





Ya estuvo. Hubo uno que no aguantó. ¿Qué pedo con la tiranía de los olmecas y los û.

Identidad û.


Ahí tienen, putos.

Su puta real social.

De San Sebastián.

Del público llueven flechas reales que me acrivillan en el gran teatro de la ciudad.

Un programa de TV3 que escribo yo, interpreto, filmo, audio (microfoneo el pinche puto lugar… llenad la ciudad de micrófonos y encenderlos. Todos oyen todo. Como Estados Unidos te escuchaba a tí en los nochentas, los noventas, los sesenta, los setenta, los cincuentas no tanto, estaban intentando ver qué hacer para buscar una excusa militar para estar por el mar de Korea y tirar una bombas en plan de guerra. La historia militar de nuestra civilización le pertenece a toda una cultura que ha buscado siempre instaurar la violencia como un principio primero de nuestra especie: NIEGO LA MAYOR.


De los mossos, de los mossos………

L’erecció del major.

Vos imagineu?

Com a literatura d’una llengua capaç de reuriens de naltros mateixos. Tot i que sóc d’aquí se molt bé que soc de fora: un nouvingut. Això se m’ha quedat clavat com el cop de cap de the François Oman Biyik.

Una mica de futbolart-cultura.

Dualitats redualitzades.

És molt més complexe que retwitejar. És lo NEW.

NEW won.

NEW law.

NEW land.

NEW lord.

NEW quimera.

NEW scheme.

NEW tyranny.

NEW clause.

NEW constitution.

NEW game.

NEW NFL Europe.

There you see: you break out. You let go. You finally spit into the air, booooooo o o o


Esa es una estatua de 9 metros que le regalo al procomún en su forma de Tico Commons, la resignificación europeizada de lo que nuestros valores tropicales ya representan. Nos vamos a entender, mae: nosotros somos pura vida. Cero estrés, full relax. Vamos a romperla. Otra vez. Bienvenidos al éxito social. Participar.

Le voy a decir por qué yo voy a ganar esta elección extemporáneamente. Porque se trata de una democracia parlamentaria en la que los que fueron votados por el pueblo deben ser capaces de elegir un candidato que reciba el apoyo de no se cuantos pelaos. Os crees romanos. O peor, griegos.

Qué es broma hombre. No tenéis ni puto sentido del humor, ni huevos, ni ostias. No me jodaís. No me jodáis. No me jodaís. No me jodaís. No me jodáis. No me jodaís. Esta es una letra que va con nueve ritmos. Estos nueve ritmos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. [A cada número hiperlinkear un sentido o contexto].

Vamos a hipertrofiar la trayectoria de lo social pleno.

El querer común al que nos alineamos por un momento para la eclosión definitiva.

¿Qué esparábamos que fuera en el capitalismo?

¿»Ganar» el superbowl?



Ganar el mundial. Ahí sí, ve.

Uno tiene sus preferencias, su precio y su tentación para pecar.

Pero la autoevaluación es fácil: ¿soy gilipollas?

Si lo sois acompañadme.

Os voy a curar.

Por sólo 9,99€.

Si te inscribes aquí.


Vas a entrar a la siguiente dimensión.

El texto debe ser tan bueno como un surrealismo consumado de una dimensión desconocida. A dónde más íbamos a querer ir si nos topábamos con estas alternativas preciosas en la tele: el poder de la ficción. La capacidad que tenemos de entender nuestras historias que nos contamos, manit@.


Un atributo general.

La sociedad por ahí resuelta.

Free of nazis.




Stop. Don’t trivialize facisms. It’s pretty simple. It’s on not everyone’s back, but let’s move on from there. Let’s move on from violence as a drive of you being a macho dick. DICK THE FUCK DOWN.

And dicks can undick themselves. Be cured. In our therapy group. What if we all healed for free. Admiting the evils in the mirror. Let’s be surreal.

And we move on from then. Elsewhere. Don’t be afraid to leap. The motherships have been docked in our harbor. We will depart in just a few moments. Whatever comes drives from our renewed understanding that could already fly into space in this interconected flight the fuck away from this shitty status quo from 15 of february 2021 and ortogonally flip into a new higher dimention. I’ve been there. That’s the shit. We all in on it, camarada.

Am I shitting you?

You asking?


Be surreal.

It ain’t fucking hard!

IT aint’t fucking hard!

It ain’t fucking hard!

It ain’t fucking hard!

It ain’t fucking hard!

We want piss on history.

We want to piss in history.

We want to piss on history class!

We want to upgrade our instinctive survival drive and grooves into the night, common comoon, comoooooon, comoooooon, comooooooooon, ……… tara tara tará you are in sunday night review of the action. The NEW world delivers a new flow over this other linear algebra chambers of overflowing posibilities into the greatest of structures of mathmatics evolving freeling into our understanding from this things we proven. And you learn to prove them. That’s how math works. That’s what you learn. That’s what I can teach you. In a totally diferent way. And make of that the thing I do to propose to you a NEW level of understanding how to govern along uncertainty scenarios of interactivity within interoperated selfprogramed systems of knowleged evolvement. The social emergence of our inteligence in a single motion away from this great sureality we inhabit. At all times. Even when we read. When we se some shit on the screen. This really long stories. Places to inhabit. Like a puppet show where you are the puppet. And you’ve sold yourself out. Into the game. Into the new game. The last one that caught my attention. And stayed there: forevermore.

That’s how surreal this is.

I don’t pretend to real. For that reality takes care of herself. Reality is a she. Period. Suck it up machos.

Dick crying.

Women dicking.

Men dicking.

Which part would you ban?

Which time would you’ve killed as well?

How much violence you need?

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

Drop the guns, man.

This is the song of the outbreak of a time,

This is the place where I become apart,

I have to go the hell away into a flight,

I’ve got to fulfill my duty upon the glow,

returning from the signaling you flow,

stirring our your minds into delirium,







You can break out from any situation. Including the game itself. Don’t just go yet. This is not over. You need not to panick. You need not to worry. You need not to cry. You need not to fear. You need not to stay with me. But I’d trully love if you and me would twingleintoeachotherandlettheflowbethatmagicthingyouarewhenletintothatsacredspacewhereyouandIjustherenoweyesthiskissliptongue and you are no longer necesary as in that new state you both belong in harmony to this one beat I carry in my heartbeat with you, we ride this sacred way into the whole, together you and me, you feel alright, keep glidding into the entrance of trance, as the spirit flows with the grace of Huitzilopotchtli chasing Quetzalcoatl into a motion of NEW entrance into the messages from the stories that we are going to tell you in the deliverance of the sacred secrete of the night: to unite.

And we all fall in the trap.

The conspiracy.

The conspiraceee

The conspiraceee

The conspiraceee

I will believe.

No matter what.

You feed me tea.

I still get high.

You bear with me.

I am just a fool.

No read nor write.

Dont’ bother me.

I am not a skin.

They are ofended.

To be included in this toon.

As if I…

You feel judged.

Fingers point at you.


You are upwardly efervecent in todays interrelation scenarios.

Live imagery.

The present that we share in social media.

That NEW shit we’ve fallen in love with.

The NEW pizza.

Take nine things that work pretty well in TODAYland.

We can create multiverses.

I will take you on the same path twice.

Or more than that.

Repetition makes expert.

Let’s rule the club of our physical learning.

The mathmaticalart measurements of the NEW system.

Consider this the plan.

Have you got time to read?

Allow me to expose my 99 theories.

I don’t do _________

I’m lost, as you.

We’ve all been through hell.

This shit ain’t right.

We want to move along.

To an entire NEW place.

And that’s my case.

A sort of NEW race.

Like a car race feeling.

Let it be simple and catchy.

Maybe trick you into believing you ought to be here and spend time.

Adopting innovation.

This sort of community thing.

We have to leap out into the night.

We must allow ourselves to arrive into a common NEW state where everything has been resolved, where I can feel at home, from right here where I am, from this cozy street tonight, more gently sleeping out here at the entrance of La Caixa. I could be that man. For a time I was every man. And I lived through all of them. And only just when I felt I had to leap into understanding what women wanted because I got to know them enough to care to ask them, and they share the most unique moments of growth that I have been blessed with across my life into where I am. As I am standing here dictating into a machine that my own GOLMAN enterprises builts in sort of production line defines in nine diferent ways to ilustrate fully a complex path with nine states of nature to land into and finally arrive to the NEW dimension.

I am something in latino version of a mix of Don T as a candidate and Monsieur Steve Bannon in filmaking. The Bannon’s movie time.

I went to the Internet feeling excited about something worth searching for on the web. To become emotionally driven into figuring some shit out is all you need to know to assist the vast valley of knowledge and interaction you are goint to get out there withe sudden emergence of CoP that totally get you into the groove of the NEW system that’s right here emerging.

You know, when you finish reading. After this tiresome bullshit, there must lie a treasure. A great ending. A classic story always drives you into a place you’ve never been. And we keep reading. Wondering where this time. And you let yourself in. Cause someone has written this path into the story to place a judgement into those lines. And you are so in with it that you act accordingly: connect.

I want to hook myself to the collective end to start a spark.

And wonder on off high into the transferral time.

Oh, allow me to share with you the things I’ve lived.

The mindblowing rides away from every little things.

All those worries we hold under our skins.

All the debts and the effort to generate value into this model.

And you try your best.

With a work method that was sped up by chasing that knowledge.

The transforming formula for the continuos emergent redundant system of the olmecan feedbacklooppers.

The council of nou caps.

El cicle pasat.


Una editorial nova en ticatalà controlaba tot el mercat editorial que difonia la obra del soci creador: Golman Elizondo Pacheco. Servidor.

A sus órdenes. Su ustedes, de una manera no oficial, como lo que hicieron el viernes, sino con el impulso que propulse mi propuesta fuera de la órbita sobre la cuál seguimos la actualidad política de nuestro país y las respuestas sociales de nuestro mercado capitalista y nuestros señoritos de los sectores públicos haciendo sus mejores esfuerzos por coordinar los recursos de un pueblo los suficientemente maduro para asumir los cambios y las alteraciones de modelo que debemos exigir en nuestro propio sistema más allá de la incapacidad de los partidos de articular estas directrices de una forma más clara que la establecida actualente en cada una de las consellerias. Conselleria, ministerio. Qué más da. Madrid Barcelona. Dos países. Las capitales de narrativas independientes. Esa es la surrealidad de España que tanto me ha cautivado desde que la descubrí por primera vez. Mucho antes de yo haber venido. Sois nuestros putos héroes. Cojones, tenéis una cara que os la pisas y os suda la polla. Sois los putos amos. La capacidad de alterar las reglas para sobornar de la manera más sanchopancesca que se os ocurra ahora como un latido fuerte de un legado que Lazarillo de Tormes reactiva en esa «genialidad» castellana por el cuñadismo de sonroje y gualda, muy español, español, español. Un poema épico de nuestro arte NEW spanish.

I am NEW spanish.

You should be too.

Cause I love you.

I love you stranger.

I love you love.

I love to hug you.

I love to peace.

I love to chill.

Come dance to that.

I’ve just felt the need.

And went right through.

And serve me a drink.

I hope you don’t mind.

Nor judge me to be a low life.

I might have not been invited.

I’ve crashed the best pariiis ever.


My postcinematography could be displayed in a European motion of what we are. A documentary filmaking of our journey. I’ll take the system into the flight above. The master plan. How we come un with plan. To fill un the sense. To try to do the right thing. And how that is supposed to get to adoption better. In our little way. In a way we know how much the system has evolved. Some things we can programme into the code of what we do inside the CoP. Why not make it open source. Why not take the greatest harmony for a functional design of our desired operating system. A design element added into our usability experience. How we make you care. The kind of story that we are building. Out into the nights. The story of this greatest leap up to the stars. Or to the one star that matters. Here we can come back to unity. And praise only one GOD father: Sun.


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