
Y punto.

Ya está.

Una no página.

Una página que ya no existe.

Al estar nosotros aquí; leyendo.

Memorizar palabras de otra lengua.











A picture.

Not a main picture.

An inside picture.

Not even with a camara.

A screen shot.

Why would we?

Why would you?

Unpaid work.

Unasked for.

You give it.

You provide value.

Through a new game.

It’s name is NEW.

And that’s my campaign, religion, plan, proposal, prescription, novel, book, picture book, podcast, brand, casting crew, production crew, make up crew, clothes crew, and go into the scene with style and this brand NEW class. A social class. The NEW class. Ain’t nobody preaching this shit. Well, people that’s changed. Here I am. Hear me out.

And the teaser ends. There is a long version. A shorter one too. How much time you want to spend on this NEW story. I’m really to hit the button. The resilience trade off milestone. A collective collaborative holistic and resilient approach.

We are gonna add value collectively to what’s the most ambitious provision of a NEW established voyager towards the future: NOW : NAW; NEW : ALLS; GOLman : Ticataluña; NEWPAR : NEW barcino; Negro; blanco; Arco-iris : digital; dual : twin; mom : mon ; DAD ; GOD father; religion : spirituality; Transition : Transform; Leave : let go; vacum; communitat; I was you : NAW I’m this; NEW : NAW; and close it there. Some concepts. Some ideas. Some presence. Some present. Ug.

You are that ug, sometimes. You reckon.

You reckon nine times significally.

And no more.

Cause it’s enough.

To feel the wholesomeness.


I desire no more.

The new full.


This is my book.

And you can read here.

Or buy the physical object.


I read them.

I love them.

I write them.

I paint in them.

I paint sheets of paper.

I’m japanese in that sense.



Like dancing with Kotomi.


A piece by a collaboration among Park Keito and Golman.

First performative art scene.

A thing that can overload the NEW city.

And conquest a NEW sphere.

We drop a dimention leap into the machine.

And the olmeca support system gives a vibration.

This stories from here past will train the AI that represents the current and final status of my belief, my plan, my desire and my collaborative action scheme to leap up to a higher dimention. Are you ready to take the leap elsewhere? Your be reading this for certain estates of nature that represent the options you may choose from if you decide to keep believing-reading.

I ask you to read.

In just my language.

And no other is necessary.

What would you say?

How would you feel?

Let’s spell that out.

Let’s play to write about that.

A storyline to fulfill a NEW dimention in a performativeartpiece that fulfills joy; ALLS


That’s a legend.


Por hacer un guiño a Italia.

Soy un chango chilango.

La neta estamos de la verga. Al chile. Somos bien mamadores. Nos creemos nuestras noticias, novelas, relatos, dolores, amores, patriarcas, morales, misiones, visiones, valaras, diosas, mujeres libres de machos alfas subnormales, y en cambio, tras abandonar la manzana enrarecedora de tu conducta impia puedes resarcir todo el daño hecho a la fiel templanza de Dios Padre para nunca haber pretendido que simplemente fueras un chango chilango, inmundo escuicle deja de pachequearte y has algo con tu vida. Vuela alto, mamá. ALLS

Ficciones pequeñas. Lectores cansados. Exhaustes de que la realidad, el statuo quo, les diera tan poco. Pura lucha. Y todo mal. Apolipsis, begin. Expecting apocalipsis. Our culture leads you to this sort of pessimism. About the stupid way of the humans. As a whole. Because of dirty all us. It’s on us. We owe it to the eternity: it was my/our fault. We are imperfect human beings. All of us. And we’ve tried our best.

Is that enough tertulia.

Rooms with debates.

Representing the consortia.

In every extension of the land between our homes.

We are going to add this up. To the bill for Tico Commons. The entirerity theory. The book. The booklet. The signals. The KPIs factory. The procurement of innovation permeability social deliverance. The result of the emergence of what 99 feedbacklooppers thrown into a 99 day countdown to a mightiest conquest of the true builders of the innovative solutions of our holistic iterative society: NEW.

Zuck didn’t land in the WMC 2023. They are on to meta. With a stand of bananas.

I filmmed it. I’ve gone to heart where people the future will emerge from. And they’ve listen to themselves again. No NEW tales around. No holistic views of the NEW belonging.

Walking the floor with Allessandra.

I can seduce France, Italy and Spain with this little monster: PiSPAM.

A countdown 99 playbook.

No pages needed. And unpublished idea. A written whisper. A tale to tell. A whole string of otherness. I left a long time ago. I’ve had my countdowns. And sometimes you create art that transform the scope of the shape and rules of the ninth dimentions were you are allowed to go, like you go to your room, to be with yourself. And read. And write. And be listening to the walking podcasts, before it became a thing.

Everybody knows that when too much people show up to the up and comming shit that’s it. It rottens.

Scripts for an actor: GOLman.

Lines for Golman.

Lines to make you shine.

Lines to seduce the camara.

A moment for the artist who captures the tyranny of the frame in a movie: the most important artist in the room. The singularity of handling the camara. The person in charge. The instructions to give. The game of the viewer. The light. The technical shit. The crew doing their jobs. Knowing all the jobs more crew people can handle. Besides the perfect set up you learn to master as any team does once we role a few of this new happenings we bring into the transformation flow madness. It’s unfuckingbelievable. We are going to ride the big wave.

And we are going to hold through.

For the entirity of the cascade of emergences that the next 99 public procurement of innovation will get us in that proof of concept level for the transition to at least a ninth dimention for the common good of all people. Present, future, or departed. Anyone else wants to join?

That would lead you to a place where you start belonging. It’s an immediate entry. You are logged in. It’s a NEW narrative. It happens inside. On the outside. There’s just a wall. All the info and intel is inside. That’s where you wanna go. You thought you’d want to go to Cheers. Grow up. NAW. Enter this other community. It’s healing there.

Let’s move.

Entry elements.

Connection opportunities.

Lot’s of them.

But beyond those buttons.

That’s the real story.

That’s the real consequence.

For what here happening.

The cultivating artistically the common good of our most precious knowledge for the common good of the Tico Commons; the last one needed.

The excluding game.

A poets trick.

A director’s obsession.

They are just people who got hooked into crappy cinematography for the popcorn and the chance to go with friends in the dark to rectangle of light, a peaceful silence from the crowd, respectfully inmersed in the experience of a cinematographic illusion on the screen. A sudden effect of rush. You in a film. A film of you. The filming society becoming artistically mature to imagine a forsight whisperer who design a first version of a holistic game that could bring the trick to provide wholeliness from and for ALLS.

The last set of commandments.

NEW preacher.

Paid job too.

I’m a public servant. Helping to collaborativelly built the next trampolin in the societal upskillin society of NEW tico commoners.

Relying back to the last reggae king.

I started to write reggae music a long time ago, man.

And I never really felt the need to go back and pick them up.

They are reaggea alright, they alright right now.

I just don’t mix up creation with creativity online.

Online creation a cellebration.

Online creation on hibernation.

Online creation beyond your nation.

Online creation besides duration.

Online creation nine levels up.

Online creation of dual inside outs.

Online creation of an infinity loop.

Online creation of subculture natural, oh lady natural, oh mamamama, oh mamamama, oh mamamama, obamamamama, obamamamama, obamamamama, Oh Putinman, frammed soldiers from the violent

A mission beyond.

Several layers later.

Something else.

NEW books.

NEW stories.

NEW content.

Created by our will to belong.

To this NEW era.

With the technological drive.

And the entity to run in a NEW transformative brownian motion.

Final precipitado. Forzado. Mal llevado. Desilusión de la crítica. El público se enfada. La sala revienta en ira.

Ira social.

Catarsis total.

NEW bastille.

Je suis NEW bastille.

Je suis NEW castilla.

Je suis vous; je suis moi aussi.

Si vous plait je peux demaner pardon.

Une autre coup.


A short film.

I’m not a short film writter. Another lie I’m telling.

It’s a character. This is just a story. I tale I told. And old trick. A book nobody asked for. And jet, here we are: you and me.

I don’t mind you reading. I just wonder. Why you are here. Why you are there. And am here.

It’s that stupid book Never ending story.

Once again.

And again and again.

And we read.


As long as we have tales to tell.

As long as we derive in art.

In storylines.

In instructions to the crew.

In a performative tale.

In a storytelling.

In a provocation.

In an asking for the market to repond.

Like here we go.

On and on and on.

Until this first 99 provide a clear assessable mark in scorecard we are going to keep public as we are all in it.

A global trend.

A way to go.

A tale to follow.

A follow through.

A happenning act.

No bullshit.

Just stories.






Business cases.


Embrace the fact that we are characteres in other peoples stories. And the confluence of those stories may have a NEW meeting point to work towards the resilience of the entire system as a whole. Haven’t we grown enough of the segmentation of our own collaborative inhibitions and dissabilities that we are currently dealing with to enhance a NEW era in team alignement towards reaching a set of milestones, a set of outcomes, a list of outputs, an impact with variables that matter and are easily understandable or at least looked at every now and then to come up with action items to take into account if wether the values are in this brackett, in this other one, or on this other one, and what labels represent the risk management system to facilitate the decision making process at stake. To move forward as fluently and safely and assertively as possible. It’s a NEW state of nature. Enabling multiverses. At least this one particular one I propose that lives in a higher dimention than our current state of affairs: status quo.

Status Quo History class.

How did we get here?

Students not paying attention.

Desperate professor.

Interest lost.


Dungeons and dragons.

A tale of nine Boris.

Duality surpassed.

Multiversality in the field work of the greates NEW agent storyline. GOLman. 009.

Double o nine.

Oh, man.

This is my enterprise.

A George Lucas moment.


99 episodes.

99 postcinematography pieces.

999 industry.

9999 community.

99999 society.

999999 humanity.

9999999 externalities.

99999999 némesis.

999999999 feedbacklooppers.


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