Escribe tu historia, te dicen. Y lo hago. Porque aquí lo que aparece es el resultado de mi tránsito. Y el de los demás. Todos. En conjunto. Coexistimos. A duras penas. Despiertos. Con ganas de cambiarlo todo de pe a pa. Y yo incluido. El sistema este se fue por la cloaca. Mientras unos pocos héroes, continuaron sosteniendo el sistema de bienestar ante el ataque constantes de los corruptos políticos y los cínicos sinvergüenzas de nuestros tiempos, mientras nosotros, el pueblo libre, un día hasta la polla decidió nunca mais. Y se reveló. Otra vez. Tiemblen nobles. La revolución francesa es paradigma. Nos pone frente al ideal compartido con nuestros vecinos. Lo que aprendimos de nuestros vecinos de norte. Vamos a ver.
Allez les bleus!
Je suis ticatalán.
Je peux parla plus, mais je ne pense pas que avec ça narratif nous pouver comparé avec París.
Mais New Barcino c’est un capitol d’un neuveulle monde plus multiversail. Je comprend que notre rivalite avec vous c’est pour ça que Napoleon and cete autre bang bang dance. You know how it is. When it comes to patriotic male war games. And the ruling of the lands. The resolution of the quarrels. The new interconnected society. Our doctors and commoners. The two aisles of the mother ship tec pack. Society trials. New ruling powers. The founding 9 families. And the complexity of multiversity just going around like a dancing swing, to come back to the place where you stare at the eyes of a loving lovely desire. The pants get bigged as the panties wetted.
Connection is right between that sweat sensation. Positive afirmative feedbacklooper virtues. Like bonners. O horny nature. Now. Blush. You want to feel inside you soul. My heart. Our love. Together. Within. Flowing back and forth. As if that connected bliss. If this bliss is joined together as a collective conscience of ALLS. Right there. Connecting from scratch. Relaunch. As if it gets turned off, it can be restarted with a proper spark. I was spark master. I had my own instrument. The instrument made billions and all I had was a concept for a new selling plan for 9999 donors in an american platform to kickstart this shit. But in fiction you can actually make up your own perfect crowdfunding deal. And your numbers. Your excels. Your dessign. And people like that. And this is just the beginning.