Español, español, español,… y con DNI y pasaporte.

¡Tome chichí!

Un tico que se convierte en madre patria. Es como hacerse mujer. Es algo más allá de lo imaginable. De pronto estoy en esta vaina. Y diay, ¿qué quieren que haga?

Ahora sí, que como dicen por ahí, veá, ¿dónde son?

Yo a lo mucho puedo aportar una solución muy en las antípodas de todo lo que he visto acá. Como si vienera el último en llegar y se cagara en todo lo más sagrado y valioso para una sociedad que lo ha visto todo. Y se ha quedado muda. Una y otra vez.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

Por esto.

La pieza se podría luego dimensionar a su siguiente nivel. Algo más. Ese principicio marca nuestra relación con las posibilidades infinitas multiversales. La saciedad no es un problema. Ya no. No aquí.



Ahí estamos todas.

Y feministas un día nos despertamos.

El día que esperan las feministas es el mismo que esperamos el resto de los sensatos, o quizás, los más insensatos (no siempre coiciden, aunque cada vez que pasa el cometa Haley pasa algo gor-do.

Una puntuación hace la diferencia en la literatura. No importa dónde lo leas. Pero que esté bien impresa hecha libro. 9999 ejemplares. Ediciones Nou. Edicions Nou del Poble Nou. I aquest era el nom de la novela. D’un esser fictici que venia d’aquest barri/pais.ESTAT9.

A la campanya sortiria amb una literatura tant a sac que ho proposaria a un procomú que no está convidat a les eleccions. Pero jo ja hi vaig en paral·lel. I només l’he explicat a alguns. Aquests no ha vist res tot aixó que he escrit. Pero m’han llegit. Gent a la que l’he explicat que tinc un plá. Com un New Deal d’un mexicà ticatalà. Com si aixó fos una cosa. Jo ja ho era.

Us estic parlant amb el cor de fa molt temps. I he explicat sempre el mateix. Ja hi sóm. L’estat nou el tenim aquí. No ha marxat mai. Són les muntanyes, els nou turons de la meva reconvertida ciutat, que muta, tot lliure a un altre lloc del qual no s’havia sentit parlar mai fins ara. I aixó, van dir alguns conciutadans, que era futbolart.

Doncs aixó també és un punt fort que té aquest equip nostre, que pensem nostre, pero només fer que anar al camp i esdevenir un subnormal profund del Nou Camp Nou. 9camp9.

Jo puc donar-li tot al Barça. Més que un club, oi. Doncs aixó. Anem allá. A mes enllà. I petar-ho molt fort. Com guanyar la lliga. Som el Barça. Diem. Pensem. Ens diuen. Ens parlan. Cantem. Alhora. Tots junts. Aixó més fort. No es que sigui més que un club, cómeme los huevos Maldini, és observa el futbol que som capaços de fer quant entenem els conceptes que ens va portar en Johan i ens va canviar canviar la vida per tercer cop: abans un altre nou del poble: Ladislao Kubala, i Ricardo Saprissa… o Morera Soto. Delanteros ticos en la órbita de la directiva del FC Barcelona. El teu club; les seves decisions. La gestió dels avis. El amos de aixó que té la meva familia afortunada. El nostre nom familiar. La nostra aportació a la societat. El nostre entre de com arrivem del Pura Vida a una cosa menys Beverly Hills 90210.

Nine. Then, right, come an o. Ou. You know how you use the letter to tell a zero, mixing numbers and literature. A riddle for creators that are both mathmatician and artists of the highes kind: the free soul rider. I am telling guys, that we have. Back home: I’ve seen it. It is something in the spirit of our newest nature. Human nature. Call the stupid social network whichever name you want. We are already in it. Don’t be fooled by the following slogan: be here. Now. Present. Up here. Where you have reached your highest achieavable estate: ALLS.

That’s a ritual.

There are plenty written in unclear narratives that go against all the rules and the entire time. I need some mexican power. Let’s take this town and light up the commons: tonight. BAM.

That «BAM» is spoken. By ALLS.

ALLS is a sonic word. It stands for the entirerity.

Entirerity Universtity.

Antiserindipity Univiersty.

Antisingularity University. Or program. Or wharever.

You have the right to despise eyes folded. Not your fault you go out the wrong way in this and that. We all have some moral shit underwritten in our underwear, right by the balls, which is not a bad place to be around, right ladies.

The way that last sentence is looked after some women will separate the femenist movement in two antagonist on each side of duality. We have a futbolart metaphor to stand for if we can relate with the way we are supossed to add to the common good. Why aren’t we doing it already. Common, now. Bitches. Listen. I am here for you. ALLS.

The ALLS femenist.

The angle.

The antiangle.

Allow dualities to form in front of each other.

Dualities are easy.

They are already here.

Trump tells is as it is.

That’s why they vote him.

You undestand the correlation with democracy.

You understand the correlation with the game.

You understand the correlation with the underworld.

You understand the complexity of life and human nature and nature here and ALLS

You understand all religions are pranks let’s join the best qualities of the nine that we can recall or replace with this new collective narratives of fiction, videogames or movies we produce as a society of free cultured bastards who signed a deal with Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix, Louis Amstrong, Freddy Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Manú Chao, Robert Smith, NIck Cave, David Byrne, with Lana del Rey. Music as a macho industry redefined byt he holy insolents and the woman on top. You take the opposite distribution, and let a lucky bastard get into that holy 9 insolent soul base night out to get inspired with each other, among the paople and the reggae dance. YOLOY,… wowo, YOLOOOY, Wowowo, Yololololololololoygolman, YOLOWGOLMAN, Wowowo, Yolowmansoul, yoloyoyoy, yoloyoyvoy, wo,wo,wo, wo… wo, wo, wo, wo,… WO…

Music is that rithm in my head. Now a note. Try ___. And you do. As you know notes. A music. And tempo. Harmony. Simphony. Or wharever. The thing is we are learging to listen to music and be immediatly connected. As musicians are with songs someone else wrote. And you play. Music is forever. We are sure of that. Your music is to come. This urban flow is rolling from the heart of the human soul. As we are the artists behind this one rap song we like to rap around our plaça 15M. Just one more time. And you play along songs from this one collective soul we can start building upon this new given choices of games. Social games. We speaks just know we ain’t playing that old fart game nomore. We are here to explore the holiest of the antagonist way of doing it. And how that delivers a mesage that transforms the entire world, as Guardiola transformed football, the way I already told you. Or I did. Only I didn’t publish. As I am not a publishing type. A want to be Calasso from the tropics. A person who can both feel the reggae music in each beat of the song played by nine musicians I’ve call on town to play this brand new song I sing along, long, long, alone, alone, alo-o-one. One, uno, one, uno, one, uno, one, uno, one, uno, one, uno, one, uno, one, uno, one, uno. Life about options. Multiples choices. Like the education the american executed like Tom Bradys in a room.

Obviously New América was divided. A-gaiiin. New América was the agreed upon quick referendum tech from commons enterprises and innovation lab last collective of feedbackloopers. The eternal learning databases. We are going to teach our data set. Only we want to know how you are. And live that together. In the road to the future ahead. With the harmony of our own, our families, in a collection of trully broad horizons. Expand the frontiers.

That would be my campaing for this EU election. I will talk about he mountains and the valleys and the culture and the war and the migration policy and new market model and a new profession and a new AI machine learning regressively. Like a regression I mean. A mathmatical poem. And crunching those numbers. And wainting for the machine to bring out the solution of any given problem in any given field test. The nine fields of the mathart program. Our high rating undergraduate carreer. 2020 new profession of the year.

we produce as a society of free cultured bastards who signed a deal with Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix, Louis Amstrong, Freddy Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Manú Chao, Robert Smith, NIck Cave, David Byrne, with Lana del Rey.

Arriving places.

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