Besás el cielo con los labios.
Hoy vi un programa del 2017 de poetas citados por la televisión de mi ciudad, New Barcino, en el Turó Olmeca-Rovira: Roger. La batalleta d’aquesta muntanya sagrada. El per qué de tot plegat. Sense haver llegit mai ni una sola paraula del ticatalà.
El ticatalà és la nova llengua curricular obligatoria: us futeu.
Estic de broma, no veus?
I no veus.
Doncs no.
I no.
Doncs res.
Hi ha gent, algú, que s’havingut!!!!!!!!!
La NEW !!!!!!!!!
NEW !!!!!!!!!
NEW !!!
This is what else Nesspresso: SUCKMYTUMMY.
You see, you don’t need to be a d____.
You don’t exist; no more.
It’s not me; you.
Me; you.
Boom_______—· GOLman.
So I thought we needed something else. So I went elsewhere. That’s you hadn’t heard of me. Until now. When time has come. You had me waiting on the sidelines for this last show: I’m the KING of the NEW world, just chill. Things are going to be in a diferent dimention so these fools can’t get to the NEW final US: The TICO commons.
I’m from NEW port: NEWLIM.
Our mestizo culture is nowhere else seen in the whole continent, wether you exit the beach towards that place where the horizon meets the sand and the palmtrees and all that wild vegetation we call our temple of love: EARTH HERSELF FULL OF OUR RESILIENT UNDERSTANDING FROM A NEW GAIA PERSPECTIVE THAT IS BORN IN HERE IN THE CARIBEAN COAST OF THE HOLY PLACE WHERE OUR LOVE WAS SEALED IN A GLORIOUS CEREMONY OF THE NEW COVENANT FROM US NEW américa feedbackloopers.
Something else happens in the whole coast of caribean natural history. We are a living ecosystem in peace. Careful, we’ve got not army.
Take nine seconds to feel what that’s like………
We’ve got it, biatches!
Children’s book best selling author, Golman Elizondo, who realeased all nine books at once with illustrations, narrative, side notes, webpage playland, reward system selfproclaimed NEW rule for kids from uno to nou. UNO:NOU.
The book series that broke the market.
The story that sped time up.
What if we only had 99 pages to write the last words in our life.
What would you write?
That good of a game is within my own private reward system who you are more than welcome to support. By joining it!
Choices. We-need-choices.
No seas mamón.
Hay cosas que hay que saber decir.
En México empieza por entender el timing de cuando aplicar: no seas mamón.
La vida de un mexicano comienza por ese precepto. Todo lo demás me puede comer los huevos.
Esa no te la esperas.
Por mucho albur que manejes, nel.
Así es el pedo. Nos fuimos a la verga. Me la metieron enterita. ¿Y qué crees? KANKANKANKAKAAN. Siasmamón. No es lo mismo. Todo está en el casi. Aguántala ahí. Ese es el timing exacto en el futbolarte. Este es mi espacio natural. Yo tengo una campaña. Tengo una propuesta. Y un plan. Lo voy a echar al aire. Y la banda va a jalar. Cabrón. No mames lo cabrón que va a halar. Hasta vamos a halárnosla con hache, gëy.
Ay gëy.
Gëy con eso no se juega.
Ya te salió el padrecito que llevas dentro.
Nueve segundos de clavarse en la textura.
Nadie dijo que leer fuera siempre una noción impoluta de placer. ¿El cabrón que es cabrón qué merece de nosotras?
El fin de las mamadas.
El fin del macho alfa.
A la verga.
La fecha de hoy es lo de menos. A menos que vivas en ella. Jolines, existencia. Estabas ahí. Aquí: presente.
Hola, ¿qué hace?
El ¿qué pasa? que me enseño mi amigo Shawn de Florida in September 2001 in Barcelona. We ruled this town for a while. A group of mad people I met when first landed in this Godforsaken city without GOD FATHER’s command. New Barcino is like that, but resolved. We deserved to come out of our closet. Wo we did. I long time ago. Back when Bacino was not NEW.
I am a fucking lost soul who came to this town to dream the existence of a NEW worldly time when all of us are actually connected. To a higher sense of quest. The plan is what is not fuctionning. I’m going forward with this charade: this is what I have said to my collegues from Stockcolm, from Rotterdam, from Milan, from Helsinki, from Wien, from London and from New Barcino.
Welcome to New Barcino, I hate to be unpolite: this is the NEW name of our beloved Barcelona. I’m sure you won’t mind. Right?
You may have feelings for the old brand. We must learn to let go.
Forfeit your highest card.
Give up for 999999999 euro brand name.
Our city does.
Here it is.
Take it.
We left.