A NEW culture begins
It’s election year: 2024.
I was born in the year 76 of the last century. This year there will be 76 elections.
Coincidence? Maybe. But you never know.
You start to see the signs once you have enter in this state of ease within your search and in contact with the awe of the almighty magic around. It’s there. We’ve had several times the illusion of the mighty. It lives within us. Especially when you are an artist. Even more, even, to the ninth dimention, when you are a futbolartist.
It’s not because you say it. You’ve lived it. The seeds of transformation, and the work behind what you do with them to take it to next level. Deliverance at its best.
But there is one sin I have committed, if I must be judgemental with myself, which is just another excuse to try to hide from the circumstances that have enabled me, today, to come out here and say it: I’m ready.
The truth is is I’ve been ready for a while. But I’ve been waiting for the right time. As if that’s something real. Time… oh, time. God… oh, god.
A tiny blue dot… space…
We’ve been given some tools, and a complete set of contradiction that point inward to place the highest grunch against yourself: yourself.
It’s time I heal.
And when I say I, I trully mean you. And I. But when you read I, I understand you feel you, not I, but that in itself is an I. Like the pine tree top, as we like to call it in Spain.
Spain… oh, spain.
Catalonia, oh, catalonia.
There you go… the elefant in the room: dualism.
And there is no better place to aknowledge this than here. Or maybe in the Euskalerria, where my ancestors left, long ago, from the harsh social reality that families live when they decide to leave your small little village, to leap into an adventure towards the unknown, to seek for your own survivable. Elizondo was once full of people with the Elizondo last name. They might have been jews who converted to catholiscism in order to avoid the harship of a different belief system back in the day. But, thank God, things have changed around here.
Have they?
Who am I to say? Really, no one. I’m just the NEW guy. El nou d’un poble nou, like I’d like to portrayed myself in my very own NEW language: ticatalan.
I must warn you: my NEW kingdom is from another dimention.
And that’s not the only warning. Here’s another one: I am the son of the Sun. His name is Father God. And He is to blame for Hetheropatriachy all to Himself. He’s told me to tell you this, along with a NEW testament. The last one.
So, as you can see, I’m also the last evangelist. Things, from our family’s perspective ends here. And therein starts a NEW era. Thank God!
It has not been easy (not for HIM, nor for me, who like you, I’m just human, mostly, and the little bit holy that I know I am, is a human-developed capability that you, yourself, already possess) to come to this understanding. There’s been many spreadsheets, AI designs, algorithms, power struggles, wars,…
NAW is the time.
It’s time for this NEW journey.
Are you ready for it?
I certainly am.