Clive humanistic democracy

I bumped into people all the time in the city. You do too. And sometimes you need to aknowledge who’s got something worth discovering in a conversation that will come out naturally. Public space in Barcelona has got that. The city is filled with all diferent kinds of people. People you can connect with and come out of that conversation transformed. I’ve always thought Clive is one of those characters. And he shows up a lot to the square around the corner, in Plaça Sant Jaume.

So this time I stopped. He was there with his hat carrying a message. The bait. I had time to stop, and I went up to him and said something like: may I record a video. Or take a picture. I don’t know. What’s on your mind today? He’s always stirring a thought process that is barely outside public debate, which is what I consider most interesting about him. He’s not in the upbeat of the masses. Counterprograming a scene. And he’s got some interesenting things to say. In fact, he’s got some pointers to what I understand is the central debate in our society: how do we change the system without making a bigger wreck?

So this is what came out of that encounter with Clive:

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